Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Good Vegetables for Thanksgiving Dinner


    • Potatoes can be used in a variety of hearty Thanksgiving dishes.Jupiterimages/ Images

      Despite the fact that potatoes weren't a part of the first Thanksgiving celebration, Americans have been enjoying this starchy vegetable as a part of their holiday for many years. Potatoes are good for the holiday because they can easily be made in bulk to feed a crowd. Although white potatoes are most commonly served mashed as a part of the Thanksgiving feast, a variety of other potato dishes can also be used including baked potatoes, sweet potato casserole and candied yams.


    • Roasted or boiled, corn on the cob is a crowd pleaser.BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images

      Served at the original Thanksgiving because it was one of the most fruitful crops of the harvest, corn makes for a good Thanksgiving vegetable because it is affordable enough to buy in bulk and versatile enough that it can be incorporated into a number of dishes. Traditionally, corn is served boiled or roasted on the cob, which is one of the more simple ways to prepare this vegetable. Other ways of serving this vegetable include creamed or mixed into various casseroles. If you are looking for variation on traditional serving methods, try mixing it into a hearty succotash.



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