Home & Garden Architecture

How to Add a Closet Rod

    • 1). Pick a height for your closet rod. Hold up your longest item you wish to hang above the floor. Take into account whether you wish to have shoes or shelves beneath your clothing. Use a pencil to mark the wall at the rod height.

    • 2). Examine the closet space to determine if you would like to install a second closet rod beneath the first. Establish the height for the first rod higher than you would normally place it but low enough where you can still reach it. Make a mark on the wall for the top rod. Hold up a shirt or jacket at that height, and make another mark on the wall about two to four inches below the shirt. Hold an item of clothing at this second mark to make sure it will not touch the floor. Adjust both marks on the wall upwards if necessary.

    • 3). Use a measuring tape to determine the exact height of the mark or marks you made in steps 1 and 2. Transfer these marks to the other side of the closet. If the mark you made is at 5 feet, for example, use a measuring tape to measure up 5 feet from the floor on the other wall and make a mark. Repeat this step if you want to have two closet rods, one beneath the other.

    • 4). Measure across the closet to determine the length of the closet rod. Buy a closet rod or rods that length or telescopic rods that can fit almost any width closet. If you decide to go with a telescopic rod, buy a dowel or dowels that will fit inside the rod. Cut the dowel with a saw until it is 1/4 inch shorter than the width of the closet.

    • 5). Position one of the sockets that hold the closet rod so it is over one of the marks. It does not matter which one. Use a screwdriver or a screw gun to secure it to the wall with screws. Fit the rod into the socket. If you chose to use the telescopic rod, slip the dowel inside the rod, and fit the other socket over the end of the rod.

    • 6). Check the positioning of the rod with a level. Once you are sure it's level, screw the other socket to the wall. If you are installing two rods, repeat the process with the second rod.

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