Health & Medical Lose Weight

Not Having Your Quota Of Sleep Regularly: Wake Up! Obesity Is Likely To Victimize You

Is the amount of sleep you have regularly is linked to your obesity? Perhaps when you cast glance on this statement for the first time you may dismiss it as a nonsensical postulation created by a crazy and an utterly worthless brain.
Don't just dismiss the entire thing before the whole news is being revealed in front of you.
Take some time out of your busy schedule and care to look into the details as whatever is going to be revealed in front of you is irretrievably connected to your health and hygiene.
The high prevalence of obesity is a well known fact and along with it, across the world it is also well known that a wealth of ailments like high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and other similar diseases can wreak havoc to your entire health once your Body Mass Index (BMI) reaches the mark of 30.
A fraction of the obese fraternity is aware of the influence of less sleep in facilitating obesity and a recently concluded experiment has also thrown light on the topic, thus revealing the extent to which you can be harmed once you start to discontinue with your regular sleep.
Two different studies conducted at the University of Chicago in Illinois and Stanford University in California has concluded that if a person doesn`t sleep adequately on a regular basis, the level of Leptin and Ghrelin, the hormone duo responsible for controlling hunger and inducing a feeling of fulness in the body, undergoes a tremendous change.
As a consequence, the feeling ofhunger isn`t controlled; the person feeds on excessive food and pushes himself to the threshold of obesity.
By now, I think it has become evident to you that the need of the hour is to chalk out a well-balanced schedule where regular sleep of 8 hours a day should be incorporated and not in any case an alternative lifestyle to be adopted.
It is also true that once weight problems trouble you, you should should stick to dieting, regular exercises and on occasions when your Body Mass Index(BMI) reaches the mark of 30, the diet pill Phentermine may come to immense use.
But in conjunction with adopting all these measures, if adequate sleeping doesn`t from part of your regular schedule, in spite of all your weight loss efforts you would not be able to escape from the grip of obesity and all its disastrous consequences.
When a person falls victim to obesity and approaches a doctor, initially he is instructed to diet and exercise but if these attempts don`t yield results then along with dieting and exercises the diet pill Phentermine is recommended for him.
But most frequently, the importance of sleep in life and its relation to obesity is not foccused all and as such all the attempts by the patient to lose weight remains inadequate.
But with the medical fraternity across the world uncovering the hidden connection between sleep and obesity, it has becme pertinent to pay a little attention towards increasing your sleeping hours at night if the amount of sleep you have daily is less than eight hours.
Obesity is increasingly becoming a threat to society and if you are eager to counter it at any cost you should look at your weight loss regimen from a new perspective and make regular sleep an integral part of it along with dieting, physical exercises and the weight loss medication, Phentermine.

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