Business & Finance Debt

An Overview About Collection Agencies

Downslide of economy or recession not only impacts a particular nation, but also affects the security of a common man. Professionals usually fear of losing their jobs, and thus plan their finance properly. Things might turn out to be ugly when you have huge dues, but not have proper income or resources to pay them. Many people fear of the collecting agents, and try to find a way out to cope with this situation. You might have until now heard about the things the collection agencies can do, but it is equally important to be aware of the things that they cannot do.

Read this article to know your rights and protect yourself from them. You might be aware of the tactics these agents adopt to extract money from you. They might call your workplace, family, friends, and colleagues to get the whole information about you. This happens when they dont have your valid mobile number. Their motive is to recover the dues from you, irrespective of the fact that you are capable or incapable of repaying it. Well, it is true that you have to repay the amount, but there is nothing much you do, if you have no money.

At no point in time, these agents can call you before 8 am and after 9 pm. You can file a suit, if they call you before the mentioned time. Of course their job is to call and remind you about the due amount. However at no point in them they can call you oft times, which might cause mental harassment to you. They cannot call you either at your workplace or your personal number, if you have sent the official a certified letter requesting them to contact you only through email.

Though their job is to recover money from you, but they are not authorized to use immodest language, whenever they are conversing with you. Nor can they send you offensive messages on your mobile number. They can do so under the pretext that they are calling from the attorneys office, which is indeed a wrong thing. These experts cannot contact you via postcards or other modes. They have to follow the guidelines that are mentioned by the company, and any deviation from the same can land them into serious problem. These experts cannot use any unfair practices like quoting wrong amount, collecting the amount which you didnt agree to, and other things. In other words, they cannot do anything that they are not authorized to do so.

You dont have to sit back pondering as to what needs to done next, if youre being tortured or harassed by the debt collecting agent. It is true that you owe money, but it doesnt authorize anyone to torture you. In such a situation you can contact a lawyer and seek his guidance to handle this situation.

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