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Collegiate Foot Ball Workout Routines

How to overpower on the line of scrimmage

Football is all about strategy and fining, or making weak spots in your opponent. A great technique that will give you an advantage on the line is double team blocking. It is basically putting two linemen on one. The strategy works for putting a hole in the line of scrimmage as two easily overpowers one. The basics are simple for this technique: First, both players will need to step together, and put their hips together. Next, form a wall, an impenetrable block that the opposing teams linemen cant break. The double team should focus on the shoulders, and arm pits of the opponent to control dominance. Work it fast and work it hard

Running with the Ball: The Gauntlet Drill

Ball security has to be the most important aspect of a strong offensive team. This of course is even more important for wide receivers and running backs as they handle the ball more than most. One drill that has been used several times to improve ball security is called the gauntlet drill. The drill starts with a player protecting the ball as best as he can while running through several opponents. A coach can set up short fast runs or longer relays with several obstacles and defenders prying at the ball. To be effective with this drill have the ball carrier run the drill holding the ball in several different positions.

Learning the Plays from the Playbook

Practicing the plays is fun, and also very important. When you master your part of the play it will strengthen your team and yourself. Because football plays can be intricate, it is important that you understand and follow the coach's instructions. As you start to practice the play make sure to slow it down, there is no sense in practicing errors. Remember that if you need help, you should ask for it. At times we have seen a player fail to advance or refine their techniques because they don't ask for added assistance. Don't let this happen to you The last helpful hint that we want you to learn is the power of visualization. Go over the plays in your mind, over and over again. Make your mind work them out and your muscles memorize them even when you sleep

Secrets to a good hand off

Handoff skills can secure yardage on the field and increase your overall success. Lets look at a simple hand off between a quarterback and a running back to point out the fundamentals of this skill. A good hand off starts with the running back giving a target to the quarterback, this can be done in the running back keeping his arms flat against his body, one arm low and the other high creating an open square or target around the chest for the quarterback to slide the ball in. When the quarterback slides the ball into the arms, or the pocket as it is called, the running back closes his arms around the ball to protect it. Now that the running back has the ball when he leaves the quarterback he should remain low to the ground in order to react quickly on the field.

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