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How to Remove Stair Trim

    • 1). Slide the blade of the 3-inch putty knife between the wall and the trim. Start at one end of the staircase trim; do not start in the middle. The 3-inch putty knife will help to evenly distribute the pressure of the putty knife against the wall and prevent issues with cracking or crushing the drywall.

    • 2). Slide the bent end of a pry bar between the putty knife and the trim. The pry bar gives you leverage.

    • 3). Rotate the handle of the pry bar upward. This forces the bent end of the pry bar outward and pulls the trim, along with the trim nails out of the drywall.

    • 4). Slide the putty knife down until you reach the location on the trim that remains attached to the wall. Place the pry bar between the putty knife and the trim. Pry the trim from the wall. Repeat this as you work your way down the trim piece. Do this until you completely remove the trim piece.

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