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Medical Coding Benefits the Patients and Medical Facility

Few patients know regarding medical coding that this is a broad spectrum of coding which can be broken down into different types. Each medical department have their own codes and each serves a very important purpose to the patients and medical facility and below are some common medical codes used today:Codes linked to medical record keeping
As hospitals and medical facilities have grown bigger the requirement to keep patient records in proper order and easily accessible form is very important. This allows the medical facility to keep a track on the patient each time they visit the medical facility. Today medical record coding is used to help make record keeping easier since the use of names has proved not to be effective especially when patients have similar names and so many medical facilities have turned alphanumeric coding to identify each patient.Medical coding linked to current treatments
CPT codes also known as current procedure terminology is a very important form of coding which allows the clear understanding between different medical staff treating the same patients. By using the CPT coding or icd9 coding play an important role towards avoiding the risk of double treatment on patients. It also allows doctors to examine previous procedures and medication used to determine suitable treatments to be taken. All medical codes must be made and passed by certified medical coders who follow international protocols thus making sure the codes are understood internationally and by all medical facilities even when they don't speak a common language.
Each department of a medical facility will have different codes to follow and used but in addition to this some medical facilities will have internal hospital coding which are used within the facility. These are usually developed by the hospital heads and used for calling or announcing the requirement for doctors or surgeon urgently. Rather than make the entire hospital aware regarding an urgent requirement the codes are used to limit the number of people knowing what the medical practitioner has been called in for.
It's also common to find surgery coding and radiology coding used as these also help avoid confusion linked to medical treatment during surgery or during the radiology test. Medical coding have helped streamline the medical industry considerably in the past decade and as technology is used more, the medical and treatments being offered are getting better over time. Each person should learn some basic medical codes as they help you understand the procedures and treatments being carried out and help keep you enlighten during treatments.

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