Technology Software

About Java Programming Training

    Starting Right Away

    • Select the developer components you want as you download your IDE

      The Java programming language was developed by Sun Microsystems. To quickly get started developing in Java, visit the Sun Developer Network ( and download a copy of its NetBeans Integrated Developer Environment (IDE). Contained in the bundle you will download will be both the Java Runtime Environment and the software developers kit or kits required for your purpose.

    Built-in Training

    • Screenshot of the NetBeans IDE Welcome screen

      Once your NetBeans IDE has been installed, the Welcome tab of the screen contains several avenues for training. The section to the top right has sample projects you can use to learn various common Java tasks, such as forms use, database access and security. There is a Quickstart Tutorial and a "tour" available in the "Getting Started" section, and the section labeled "Learn More About" links to whole pages of tutorials, articles, sample applications and such--all organized by topics including Ruby on Rails, SOA (Services Oriented Architecture), Mobile Apps and Swing GUIs.

    Still Free at the Library

    • Library catalogs are not nearly as informative as today's commerce sites. One popular tactic readers employ is to first search for appealing books on a seller's web site, such as eBay or Compile a list of titles and authors that appeal to you, then research the availability of those titles through your local library. Be sure to investigate inter-library-loan options as well, because many libraries have exchange privileges with partner libraries in their area. You may still be able to check out a book only a neighboring library seems to have.
      There are many books designed for the new Java developer. Investigate titles such as "Java: A Beginners Guide," "Sams Teach Yourself Java 6 in 21 Days," "Learning Java" and titles from popular educational series such as "Java In A Nutshell" and "Beginning Programming with Java for Dummies."

    Take A Course

    • Not all smart people learn well by reading. That's why there's a robust instructor-led adult education marketplace. Universities and local community colleges offer certificates and for-credit courses in Java programming. Northwestern University, for instance, has an entire Post-baccalaureate program that starts out with Java programming. The online education industry has available programs as well., for instance, has Java programming classes that are online, yet instructor-led. These can cost in the hundreds of dollars, however.

    Have a Purpose

    • It can be very difficult learning a programming language if you don't have a purpose for the information. Experienced programmers will set a task for themselves, and then use that task as an excuse to learn the new programming language. This is one of the reasons there are so many different sample projects made available in the NetBeans IDE; the programming principles are difficult to retain unless placed in a useful context. With that in mind, come up with something you want done with a program, and begin learning how to achieve that goal through the Java language.

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