Technology Software

How to Make an Old-Fashioned "Wanted" Poster

    • 1). Open the photo-editing software and start a new file. Insert a head-only photograph of the person you want to feature on your wanted poster. Place this photograph in the middle of the page.

    • 2). Insert a text box across the top of the page. Select an old-fashioned style font and type "Wanted" in large letters.

    • 3). Insert another text box and the bottom of the poster. Use the same font to type a reward, making it smaller than the "Wanted" title at the top. You can also include the person's name and accusations against the person if you would like, but type those in a smaller font than the reward amount. The focus should be on the reward.

    • 4). Change the font color to a dark brown and add fading effects if they are available with your photo-editing software.

    • 5). Print the poster onto parchment-style paper. White paper can work because you will age it, but parchment paper looks more genuine.

    • 6). Place the piece of paper onto the cookie sheet. Pour strong coffee or tea over the paper and allow it to soak for a minute. Pour off the liquid.

    • 7). Put the paper into the microwave and run the microwave for about 10 minutes to dry the paper and create a wrinkled effect. The result will be yellowed parchment paper that is slightly wrinkled and looks fragile. You can stop the microwave before the 10 minutes pass if the paper has reached the aged look you desire.

    • 8). Tear the edges carefully to create a rough edge to the aged paper.

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