Pets & Animal Pets Birds

Humming Birds Don"t Make Very Good Pets, But They Are Fun To Watch

Suffice it to say that humming birds don't make very good pets, and I know because I've tried.
You see, these little combination of insect flight characteristics and bird bodies are so very independent.
You cannot tell them where to nest or even suggest a good nesting place, they will seek out and pick a place they feel is safe, it might not be as safe as the one you pick, but it's their home and the way they want it.
Stubborn little critters indeed, I'd say.
Okay so, let's talk, because we all love to watch humming birds play, defend their nectar food supply and perform incredible flight maneuvers all day.
Now then, if you'd like to get the hummingbirds up close and personal then it makes sense to put a hummingbird feeder right outside your window, and if you are going to put up multiple feeders, you should put them in areas where as you stand under one you cannot see the other, but you will be able to see both from your vantage point when watching these little birds from your window.
This is because the most dominant hummingbird will try to also find a vantage point and place to guard from, to prevent the other hummingbirds from homing in on his nectar supply.
Of course, if you have multiple feeders, you will have multiple hummingbirds guarding each one, and chasing away any of the others that come to feed.
This becomes quite the territorial war, and it is ongoing and constant all day long, giving you hours of viewing.
Hummingbirds like to come out in the morning, and also they come and feed just before dark sets in.
Meanwhile during the day various hummingbirds will come and take turns guarding the supply.
When the hummingbirds are very young they often share the feeders if they are with the same nest, but eventually they start fighting over the feeders.
They do the same thing with flower gardens or specific flower bushes that have the best nectar.
Often little kids call them; "Zoom zooms" which might sound funny to you, but in essence that's what these little birds are as they zoom around all day.
If you sit out on the patio near one of the feeders, they will occasionally zoom right past your head and you can listen to them accelerate as the buzzing sound moves to and from.
No, you can't make hummingbirds your personal pets, but you can watch them all day, and they will watch you as well.
But mostly, they will be watching the feeder and they have eyesight like a hawk, they can see the other hummingbirds coming from a mile away, even before you do.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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