Home Business Dreams Dashed? Wouldn"t it Just Be Easier to Give Up?
A day late and a dollar short.
Isn't that just about how all of us feel these days? We'll never have a chance at becoming financially stable, not now.
Are you serious?! There's ALWAYS a shot, every day of the week, 24 hours a day.
You must believe it to make it happen, however.
There are plenty of us who probably still believe this: Any home business dreams I had are totally dashed and trashed.
It'd just be easier to give up and continue living in the misery which has now become my everyday life, and everybody else's, too.
Look, I've been there plenty of times myself, but some spark of "something or other" always pulls me up off the ground and makes me reassess the situation.
Yes, even in these darkest of economic times.
I think our horrific and disgusting "econo-catastrophe" makes me want "it" even more.
I can be successful doing just the opposite: My business can be and is generous (maybe to a fault, even), free to join and earn, pays the highest affiliate commissions I've ever seen, is based on honesty, integrity and real opportunity for one and all...
It is truly the anti-greed.
I think that "spark of something or other" is called hope, in addition to a hard-headed refusal to give up or give in to situations even though many of them are so far out of my control.
I'll just work on the immediate situation in my local surroundings right here and now, and let all the D.
fat cats worry about the rest.
I'm just worrying about me now, but that certainly does indeed include you as well.
My success and yours are forever entwined.
I believe that if you are willing to take minimal risks that do not cost a dime, you have a potential win-win situation on your hands.
The biggest risk is actually jumping off the sidelines and into the game.
Sure, no one likes rejection.
Let me proudly tell you that I am the undisputed king of rejection, bar none.
Yet, I just keep coming back for more.
I let it fuel me.
Nobody ever became the success they always dreamed of without adversity, disappointment and self-doubt.
But, it's time to rise above that and move forward toward the positive.
A crucial point to emphasize: I don't succeed unless you do, too.
You really can have it all if you simply keep a realistically optimistic attitude and you do your homework, all the while realizing that nothing ever happens overnight and without a lot of hard work.
But, if it's your own business we're talking about, will it even seem like work? Well, it sure doesn't to me.
It's a joy.
It's what gets me outa' bed in the morning, and it's a firmly held belief that I can have whatever I want within reason if I keep on pursuing my dreams the way I always have: In a generous, altruistic, non-greedy way, always, and I mean ALWAYS conducting business according to the company line: YOU FIRST, us second.
Isn't that just about how all of us feel these days? We'll never have a chance at becoming financially stable, not now.
Are you serious?! There's ALWAYS a shot, every day of the week, 24 hours a day.
You must believe it to make it happen, however.
There are plenty of us who probably still believe this: Any home business dreams I had are totally dashed and trashed.
It'd just be easier to give up and continue living in the misery which has now become my everyday life, and everybody else's, too.
Look, I've been there plenty of times myself, but some spark of "something or other" always pulls me up off the ground and makes me reassess the situation.
Yes, even in these darkest of economic times.
I think our horrific and disgusting "econo-catastrophe" makes me want "it" even more.
I can be successful doing just the opposite: My business can be and is generous (maybe to a fault, even), free to join and earn, pays the highest affiliate commissions I've ever seen, is based on honesty, integrity and real opportunity for one and all...
It is truly the anti-greed.
I think that "spark of something or other" is called hope, in addition to a hard-headed refusal to give up or give in to situations even though many of them are so far out of my control.
I'll just work on the immediate situation in my local surroundings right here and now, and let all the D.
fat cats worry about the rest.
I'm just worrying about me now, but that certainly does indeed include you as well.
My success and yours are forever entwined.
I believe that if you are willing to take minimal risks that do not cost a dime, you have a potential win-win situation on your hands.
The biggest risk is actually jumping off the sidelines and into the game.
Sure, no one likes rejection.
Let me proudly tell you that I am the undisputed king of rejection, bar none.
Yet, I just keep coming back for more.
I let it fuel me.
Nobody ever became the success they always dreamed of without adversity, disappointment and self-doubt.
But, it's time to rise above that and move forward toward the positive.
A crucial point to emphasize: I don't succeed unless you do, too.
You really can have it all if you simply keep a realistically optimistic attitude and you do your homework, all the while realizing that nothing ever happens overnight and without a lot of hard work.
But, if it's your own business we're talking about, will it even seem like work? Well, it sure doesn't to me.
It's a joy.
It's what gets me outa' bed in the morning, and it's a firmly held belief that I can have whatever I want within reason if I keep on pursuing my dreams the way I always have: In a generous, altruistic, non-greedy way, always, and I mean ALWAYS conducting business according to the company line: YOU FIRST, us second.