Learning To Spot Fake Or Authentic Leather Handbags
For a woman, having a good quality handbag is important. That's the reason why leather handbags are very popular amongst the ladies. It's not even about the quality sometimes, but the brand itself. Let's face it: it's a big thing for the women in this world to be using branded handbags because it gives them something to boost their self-esteem with. However, authentic and branded leather handbags are hard actually to get your hands on because they are, to be frank, very expensive.
In comes fake leather handbags. There are some businessmen that are dishonest enough to rip women off their hard-earned money by giving them authentic-looking leather handbags complete with logos of existing leather handbag and leather purses brands. Of course, some women (except for the most careful ones) fall victim for these because of the brand name AND the very cheap price.
Unfortunately, they've just been ripped off. Of course, you don't want to fall for that scam dealing in fake leather handbags and fake leather purses so you should learn to keep an eye out for which ones are fake and which ones are authentic. You may think that they look all the same with each other but, no, there are actually indications of which one is fake. If you know what these are, then you will be able to spot authentic leather handbags easily.
The Stitching
If you're the sort that just looks at a leather handbag and decide to buy it because it's made of leather, then you're bound to become a victim of these leather handbags that are rip-offs. You have to first look at the inside of the bag. How is the leather stitched? The quality of the workmanship of leather handbags indicates its authenticity. Quality workmanship means quality product and longevity; manufacturers of quality leather handbags always keep an eye out for quality and you can see it in the way the product is made. Authentic leather handbags will have sturdy stitching and not sloppily-done stitches, which will have an impact on the longevity of the handbag later on.
The Quality of the Leather
Second, you should be able to distinguish high quality and authentic leather from the cheap ones. Leather is expensive because they are made from the hide of some animals, which can be expensive to procure. While you may say it is difficult to check if the leather in leather handbags are authentic or of high quality, you can do so by smelling the leather. If you have friends that have bought authentic handbags, borrow them and smell the leather. There is actually something distinct about the smell of original leather, and you can use that to see if the leather handbags you're looking at are authentic and not fake.
Now that you know how you can spot fake leather handbags, you no longer have to worry about the authenticity of the handbags that you're looking at. Remember that quality always comes with a price, and you have to be prepared to pay a little extra for original and branded leather handbags.
In comes fake leather handbags. There are some businessmen that are dishonest enough to rip women off their hard-earned money by giving them authentic-looking leather handbags complete with logos of existing leather handbag and leather purses brands. Of course, some women (except for the most careful ones) fall victim for these because of the brand name AND the very cheap price.
Unfortunately, they've just been ripped off. Of course, you don't want to fall for that scam dealing in fake leather handbags and fake leather purses so you should learn to keep an eye out for which ones are fake and which ones are authentic. You may think that they look all the same with each other but, no, there are actually indications of which one is fake. If you know what these are, then you will be able to spot authentic leather handbags easily.
The Stitching
If you're the sort that just looks at a leather handbag and decide to buy it because it's made of leather, then you're bound to become a victim of these leather handbags that are rip-offs. You have to first look at the inside of the bag. How is the leather stitched? The quality of the workmanship of leather handbags indicates its authenticity. Quality workmanship means quality product and longevity; manufacturers of quality leather handbags always keep an eye out for quality and you can see it in the way the product is made. Authentic leather handbags will have sturdy stitching and not sloppily-done stitches, which will have an impact on the longevity of the handbag later on.
The Quality of the Leather
Second, you should be able to distinguish high quality and authentic leather from the cheap ones. Leather is expensive because they are made from the hide of some animals, which can be expensive to procure. While you may say it is difficult to check if the leather in leather handbags are authentic or of high quality, you can do so by smelling the leather. If you have friends that have bought authentic handbags, borrow them and smell the leather. There is actually something distinct about the smell of original leather, and you can use that to see if the leather handbags you're looking at are authentic and not fake.
Now that you know how you can spot fake leather handbags, you no longer have to worry about the authenticity of the handbags that you're looking at. Remember that quality always comes with a price, and you have to be prepared to pay a little extra for original and branded leather handbags.