Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights in India
IPR is one of the greatest rising fields of law which have considerably expanded the sphere of intellectual property rights. The IPR law services are very important for the growth of the country. IPR law firms in India are very common in offering various types of IPR law services such as protection of human mind, efforts, skills, etc.
India provides protection to intellectual property rights in accordance with its obligations under the TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of IPR) Agreement of the WTO (World Trade Organisation), as adopted in the respective legislations.
The IPR laws in India include five broad categories- trademarks, copyrights, patents, industrial designs and geographical indications.
A trademark is any word, name, symbol, or device capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others. It includes shape of goods, their packaging and combination of colours. The duration of trademarks is not limited and they may last forever, subject to renewals at proper intervals.
Copyrights are set of exclusive rights given to an author of a literary or artistic work. The object of copyright law is to encourage authors, artists and composers to create original works by rewarding them with exclusive right for a fixed period of time. The copyright is valid for the life of the owner and continues for next 60 succeeding years after the death of the owner.
Patents are the set of exclusive rights granted by the government to an inventor related to a particular invention, for a fixed period of time. The registration and protection of patents in India is governed by Patents Act, 1970. Divisional patents in India helps in preventing and protecting the unauthorized selling, copy, use or importing of services or product of any kind innovatively invented.
A patent right is granted for a limited period of time. Presently, the Indian Patents Act sets this period of time at 20 years. A patent is granted for the following:
A new and utility-bearing product, produced by a manufacturer;
A new process of manufacture to make a product, which is already in existence;
A machine, apparatus or other article;
For secondary innovations such as improvements in existing products or processes
An industrial design comprises the visual features like shape, configuration, pattern or ornament applied to a manufactured article. Industrial design rights are granted to the creator of designs to reward them for their effort and investment in manufacturing the product.
A geographical indication is a sign used on goods that tells consumers that a product is produced in a certain place and has certain characteristics that are due to that place of production. It may be used by all producers who make their products in the place designated by a geographical indication and whose products share specified qualities, for e.g. agricultural products. Registration of a geographical indication is for ten years with possible renewal for further ten-year periods.
Protection of Intellectual property rights is very important for any business. It facilitates complete protection to all intellectual properties from the very beginning.
India provides protection to intellectual property rights in accordance with its obligations under the TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of IPR) Agreement of the WTO (World Trade Organisation), as adopted in the respective legislations.
The IPR laws in India include five broad categories- trademarks, copyrights, patents, industrial designs and geographical indications.
A trademark is any word, name, symbol, or device capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others. It includes shape of goods, their packaging and combination of colours. The duration of trademarks is not limited and they may last forever, subject to renewals at proper intervals.
Copyrights are set of exclusive rights given to an author of a literary or artistic work. The object of copyright law is to encourage authors, artists and composers to create original works by rewarding them with exclusive right for a fixed period of time. The copyright is valid for the life of the owner and continues for next 60 succeeding years after the death of the owner.
Patents are the set of exclusive rights granted by the government to an inventor related to a particular invention, for a fixed period of time. The registration and protection of patents in India is governed by Patents Act, 1970. Divisional patents in India helps in preventing and protecting the unauthorized selling, copy, use or importing of services or product of any kind innovatively invented.
A patent right is granted for a limited period of time. Presently, the Indian Patents Act sets this period of time at 20 years. A patent is granted for the following:
An industrial design comprises the visual features like shape, configuration, pattern or ornament applied to a manufactured article. Industrial design rights are granted to the creator of designs to reward them for their effort and investment in manufacturing the product.
A geographical indication is a sign used on goods that tells consumers that a product is produced in a certain place and has certain characteristics that are due to that place of production. It may be used by all producers who make their products in the place designated by a geographical indication and whose products share specified qualities, for e.g. agricultural products. Registration of a geographical indication is for ten years with possible renewal for further ten-year periods.
Protection of Intellectual property rights is very important for any business. It facilitates complete protection to all intellectual properties from the very beginning.