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How a Real God Creates In Literally Seven 24-Hour Days

I'm sure God created this, but in my humble opinion, one of the greatest inventions of all times, is a La-Z-Boy recliner.
I have several, but my favorite is near the TV, and it is a mauve overstuffed recliner.
It claims to be "softly tufted...
that welcomes with the promise of deep comfort," and they ain't lying.
Mine, as you might have guessed is well used, and one evening, I was "using" it by being nestled in its soft cozy arms while listening, more than watching, one more 24 hours news channel, telling me how horrible the world is.
According to them, we most likely won't be waking in the morning.
Talk about depressing..
The Question Of the Talking Head I heard the Talking Head on the screen say that he asked on his Blog (they all have one) the question of will Sarah Palin be our next President of the United States.
He then began to read some of the responses from what he claimed to be huge.
As anyone could guess, some were for her, and some were against her.
However, when he began to read the one reply by a woman who said something like, Of course she will be elected, because they only people America wants running this country are clowns, fools, and idiots who have the ridiculous idea that God created this world in a literal 24 hour, seven-day period.
That is very close to what she said, and it made me open my eyes and ears and drop my recliner into a regular sitting position.
Why would she want to disturb me like that? In Whom Do You Believe In the years that I have taught theology, I have often been challenged-and sometimes asked-if I really believed, that God created the world in a literal 24 hour, seven-day period.
Each time, I would reply, "I want to know if you are asking me about the real God of Scripture or some concept you have of a god.
" Some would look surprised, and say, "Of course, whom else would I be referring to?" I would retort with, "Well, a lot of people seem to confuse the God of the Bible with some Greek or Roman glorified deities, who were often weaker than real humans.
" Blank face, blink, blink was their only rejoinder.
However, in their minds they wondered if I was nuts.
Will The Real God Stand Up The truth is, people confuse the real God with old gods they have learned about in college, or, if it wasn't too politically incorrect, High School.
Listen carefully to what this old Indian is going to say next, because it is the foundation of my theology.
If the true and living God of the Bible (Holy Scripture) could not make this dirt and this simple 23 pairs of chromosome in a week, then I would never worship Him.
God, in order to be a God, has to be greater the imagination He gave us, or else He is not a real God.
You would have to set Him in the same corner with Apollo, Athena, Demeter, et al.
They are fascinating fiction, but the God I worship is beyond simple understanding-and rightfully so.
Confusing God with heathen deities means we have never bothered to discover the distinction between the two.
One is real the others are a perverted mess.
I, nor you, would want to have righteousness preached to us by Aphrodites.
No, wonder so many want to dismiss Him with contempt, and disdain.
Creation Probably Took a Fraction Of A Second Any theologian worth their salt will tell you it is nothing for God to blow this world into existence with a huge BAM! The record says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Gen 1:1 (NASB) Forget seven days that probably took a fraction of a second.
The above mentioned theologians could also tell you there are pages of information in that one verse alone.
There is a second verse there for a reason.
What do we get with that BAM? (We are only considering this earth in this article.
) This huge mass burned an unknown length of time.
How long? No one knows.
God didn't click off minutes or days, because He lives in eternity, and eternity has no time.
Then, at His command, this mass cooled for an indeterminate amount of time.
How long? Who cares? It is a mundane question with no answer.
The shaping and mass formations that began to take place during that time, could have been-and probably was enormous.
I am also suggesting it was a long, boring process.
Verse 2 suggests that fact when it says, "The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.
" Gen 1:2 (NASB) Creation Days In Debate ON DAY ONE-God spoke to this now cooled mass and He said, "Spin," and it began to turn on its axis.
Wow! Now that wasn't that hard, was it? Come on think.
How hard is it for a real God to say to a piece of rock, spin? In the spinning, we have, like today, a day, and a night.
That was day one.
ON DAY TWO- God took some of the water that covered the earth (and yes, water first covered the earth), and He took some of that water and raised it over the earth as a vapor canopy to protect the earth from whatever was going on in the heavenlies.
That would take me an eternity and I still wouldn't be able to do it, but for a real God, completion was in a day, and that is not that hard for me to believe.
There we have day two.
My faith is not straining too hard so far, is yours? However, now we continue with...
ON DAY THREE- Things, to my mind are purring right along.
So far, nothing has been too amazing for a real God-I don't think.
However, we now move into another day, and another act.
God is going to move the tides in an out, just like today, but in this first trip, it's going to go fast.
We read, "Then God said, "Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear"; and it was so.
10 God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters He called seas; and God saw that it was good.
11 Then God said, "Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them"; and it was so.
12 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, after their kind; and God saw that it was good.
" Gen 1:9-12 (NASB) First, Land Mass The wind is blowing, and it's blowing the shallow parts of the water away from the land mass.
How deep was the water? I don't know, I'm not that old, I only feel it, so I wasn't there and Scripture doesn't tell us.
We don't have to have millions of miles of land, to have fulfilled this verse.
People have lived for sometime on the smallest of islands.
However, I will guess it was a good chunk of ground and the land mass grew day by day.
There were no continents on the original land mass.
Scripture tells us that the continents formed after Noah's flood.
In Genesis 10:25we have another mundane verse that rather matter-of-factly says, "...
for in his days the earth was divided..
"Gen 10:25 (NASB).
Both humans and animals are populating the earth, according to what we read, and then single land mass broke into continents.
Second, Vegetation I will confess that day three has more to it, because there is the command for various vegetations to grow.
In this verse, we understand that plants came before land animals.
This would make sense to me, as plants must sustain future animals.
God has common sense, when we stop to watch His actions.
Please understand this-everything God does or has created, possess intricate design, consummate purpose, and efficient structure.
Grass There are three distinct forms of vegetation named here suitable for food.
First, He calls forth the nice tender cover over this new earth, and I would envision this grass being our typical land cover.
Can you imagine how fertile this virgin earth must have been? I planted some grass seed in my old, dead yard, this summer, watered it, and in two days I have sprouting grass.
If humankind can do that in two days, a real God can bring forth grass cover in one.
Each form of vegetation His brings forth, on this day shows some age, but each also shows a more advanced purpose of use.
PLANTS Plants now appear, (this would be both water and land plants) again, tender and young, but logically showing age.
I think of corn, wheat, and that type.
Finally, we have trees in the same fashion.
Please notice, God was intelligent enough to bring forth vegetation that had their seed within them.
Later, migrating birds, bees, and humankind will hybrid them so that the variety grows.
TREES We must have trees for so many things.
To stop land erosion, to remove carbon dioxide from the air we breathe.
Trees are need for food supply, and so much more.
God created them this day, and while they were young, they bore fruit to eat.
Did He create every variety we know of? No, because they would pollinate and seeds would cross, etcetera.
There we have day three, and nothing here strains my mind all that much either.
Creation is remarkable, but very believable, because for a real God this would be like a child playing in a sandbox.
ON DAY FOUR- Here God stops what He is doing on the physical earth and moves on into the heaven above.
The earth, His glory a purpose among all the other planets, will need stars, which have a particular function I am not capable of addressing as an expert, along with the moon, and sun for seasons.
These functions, I must leave to those who have intelligence and expertise far greater than mine in this field.
We read, Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so.
16 God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also.
17 God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness...
"Gen 1:14-18 (NASB) This took place in day four.
ON DAY FIVE- It is here, more than anywhere else, that we come to the huge arguments, that this could not possibly happen within in literal 24 hour days.
Why not? I agree that Zeus couldn't do it, because he was too busy chasing women and having bastard children.
However, what if we were talking about a real God, who was absolutely holy, Who was the Supreme center (the Q) of all power, and knowledge.
Stop and think-there would be nothing impossible for this Being.
"Then God said, "Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.
" 21 God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind..
22 God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.
" 23 There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.
Gen 1:22-23 (NASB) Fish and Ocean Creatures With the atmosphere, and the biosphere, and all other spheres, taken care of, along with a growing land mass, a shrinking water mass, and vegetation, it was time for animal life, both in the sea, and on land.
Like the vegetation, they came in order.
We are told rather simply, first came the fish in the water, and then everything that flies.
The other parts of that verse simply elaborate, whales, and winged fowls.
Yes, while they probably were all young, they would in fact have shown age.
A fish carries somewhere around 21 pairs of chromosomes, and 23 pairs in fowls.
This action took place on day five, nothing to strenuous for a real God.
ON DAY SIX(the huge controversy) This is our greatest interest, because, according to our Creator (if we believe the Scripture), this is where we all originated.
I will suggest to you that God is doing nothing but putting building blocks together.
Think back to kindergarten when the teacher made you put wooden blocks together numerically.
My teacher was so brazen she made us put the alphabet together out of these blocks, to the best of our abilities.
After we did what she asked, we could build whatever we wanted.
God is simply using building blocks to create the things He wants on this earth.
However, we now come to the big stuff.
Animals "Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind"; and it was so.
25 God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good.
" Gen 1:24-25 (NASB) Again, He created these items in order.
First, I can imagine that the land mass has grown in these days to the point of manage, at the least, a male and female of the animal that will one day cross into other animals we know of.
Some, of course, will be quite large, so I have to believe the land mass has grown considerably and is continuing to grow.
Volcanic ash is spilling into the water creating extremely nutritionally rich ground.
Now He builds cattle, which my mind sees as animals sufficient for domestication.
Creeping things are every bug and rodent you can think of as a foundation for many other types we know of.
Don't get too elaborate, because many animals, and bugs, have come from crossbreeding.
Then there came the beasts.
Here are the mammoths, the dinosaurs, lions, and all manner of large creatures that would act as the foundation of large animals we know of today.
All of these fish, birds, and animals were set on this earth; they filled both sea and land, roaming free, with no fear, because flesh eating was not set in place at this time.
That will happen later.
Humanity So far everything has been simple building blocks, and commands from God, but on the second half of day six, God will use what He has created, and fashion a different kind of being.
A being He will not create but birth.
This will not be completely animal, or vegetable, and neither will this creature be fully divine.
This was a unique being consisting of all three.
Having much of the same DNA as a fowl, being fashioned from the red clay of the earth, which contained the seeds of the vegetation, this being will unique because it will contain the very breath of God, Himself.
"Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
" 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
" Gen 1:26-27 (NASB) Herecomes God's crowing creation that was to have management over this newly created earth under Him.
Conclusion When we take the time to think, and to put God in His rightful place as a real supreme Being, instead of one of our foolish creations, it isn't that hard to believe.
Is it honestly, idiotic to think that a real God who posses all power, all wisdom, and all knowledge capable of doing this in a literal 24 hours, seven day week? Yes, of course He could, and on top of that, it didn't take 7 days, it only took 6, so He took a holiday on the seventh to admire all that He accomplished.
What was daddy Adam and mommy Eve like? Did they swing from the trees with their tails? We'll talk about that in another article.
However, for now, In truth, I am...

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