Family & Relationships Conflict

I Can"t Stand Being Alone - How to Win Back My Ex!

Well, I have asked all of my friends how to win back my ex, and they have given me tons of advice.
On one side was: 1 - Do not even think about it; 2 - He is totally not worth it; 3 - You can do better; 4 - Let's just go out and meet new guys; 5 - You're wasting time; and my personal favorite 6 - What the heck for? Another point of view was: 1 - Do you want me to talk to him for you?; 2 - Just go call him and talk to him; 3 - Apologize with flowers and chocolates; 4 - Beg and cry (nice, take the pity route); 5 - Ask his friends how he is before you make your move; 6 - Its all strategy; and again, my personal favorite 7 - Send him a bottle of wine with your lace underwear.
Of course, all of these always came after answering questions such as: 1 - What happened? Tell me everything (I noticed that no matter how many times I tell the sob story, I never get tired of regaling my friends with it); 2 - Who broke up with who? (I'm told it mattered in how to win back my ex); 3 - Is it worth it? Ultimately, it was that last question that had me pause and think.
And this had me be open to whatever input or advice or ideas my friends generously shower me with.
And just for the heck of it, I still ask how to win back my ex just to find out what my friends would say.
I didn't think it would be so diverse.
It took me a little over three months to answer the question of worth, if dealing with him on a daily basis in my future was worth the pain caused by him leaving me.
I had to weigh whether he was worth swallowing my pride for.
And by that time, he already got back together with me.
In the end, I didn't win back my ex.
He won me.

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