Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Counting Your Blessings

Often times when things go wrong, many of us feel that everything has been lost and gone. Or perhaps, we see things like it is already the end of the world. Or if we fail in one project, we think like it is useless to move on in life.

However, wait a minute, step back and try to do some thinking! Try to evaluate yourself and do some analysis. Have you been a failure all throughout your life? Do things always go wrong with you? Are there no positive moments of joy that you have experienced?

Given a worst scenario, perhaps you might think that you are now completely broke. Is there no other way you can do while you are still alive? Unfortunately, many people think only of the material blessings that they possess. Many of us think that blessings only come in the form of money!

Think of it this way, when you came into this world, have you brought millions of dollars with you when you were born? Isn't life more important than just material blessings? Perhaps, you may think you are living poorly, isn't good health more important than sickness?

Perhaps, you may be poor but you are always happy in life, isn't happiness a blessing? Remember, some people may be very rich, but they envy some people who don't have any financial stress! They envy some people who have the joys of being with friends and families!

How about counting your blessings when you feel bad. This should help you do some recovery when you feel down and out. Think and be happy that you are still living in this world. Think and be happy that you still have a job while others are even worried of finding a job!

If you could only afford to buy shoes in a thrift store, think of it that you are still fortunate because many people in the third world countries are just even bare footed! If you feel miserable that you can only eat a sandwich three times a day, be happy because it is a blessing! Millions of people in other countries in this world are dying because of famine!

If you feel you are greatly suffering because of a traggic accident, stop worrying too much. You should be happy that you have survived. Many other victims are killed by accidents just like yours.

Of course, there are hundreds of instances that many of us would be worried and sad, but think of it as a blessing when you can compare yourself with others. Count your blessings one by one and soon you'll find out that your are still fortunate enough.

Count your blessings everyday, not just on thanksgiving, and pray to God and give thanks!

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