Health & Medical Cardiovascular Health

How do I Lower Total Cholesterol & Keep Risk Ratio Healthy?

    • 1). Change your diet. Altering the foods you eat is one of the easiest and fastest ways to lower your cholesterol naturally. A low-cholesterol diet is typically low in fat and high in protein and fiber from whole grains. Cut back on red meat and enriched sugars like those contained in white bread and desserts.

    • 2). Understand the difference between good fats and bad fats, and cook with the good fats. Good fats are contained in avocados, nuts, low-fat cheeses and olive oil. Bad fats are found in hydrogenated oils, fatty cheeses, sweets, and heavy sauces and gravies.

    • 3). Quit smoking. Tobacco use increases cholesterol, and doctors have linked smoking with cardiovascular disease.

    • 4). Begin a physical fitness regimen. Cardiovascular exercise like running, swimming or an aerobics class three times a week can reduce your cholesterol levels and decrease your risk ratio for developing cardiovascular disease. Consult a physician before beginning any new fitness program.

    • 5). Use an at-home monitoring kit to chart your cholesterol level once a week. You can purchase a kit at a physician's office, medical supply store or pharmacy.

    • 6). Consult your physician if your cholesterol level does not decrease. The doctor may prescribe medication to aid the process.

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