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642-975 Braindumps

642-975 DCASI
Data Center Application Services Implementation

Exam Number: 642-975
Associated Certifications: Data Center Application Services Support Specialist
Duration: 75 minutes (45-55 questions)
Available Languages: English and Japanese

642-975 Exam Description
The 642-975 DCASI Cisco Data Center Support Implementation exam tests a candidate's knowledge of the skills needed by a field engineer to install and support a Cisco Data Center Application Services platform.

642-975 Exam Topics
The following 642-975 topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the Remote Access exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of 642-975 exam. In order to better reflect the contents of the 642-975 exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.
Implement a Cisco Global Load Balancing Solution
* Determine the most appropriate network placement of a Cisco Global Load Balancing Solution
* Implement a Cisco Global Load Balancing Solution with firewalls
* Describe the impact of the Cisco Global Load Balancing Solution on DNS resolution
* Integrate the Cisco Global Load Balancing Solution with local Cisco load balancers
* Implement a Cisco Global Load Balancing Solution into an existing network infrastructure
* Troubleshoot DNS in a Cisco Global Load Balancing Solution
* Implement XML schema files

Manage a DCAS solution
* Implement ANM
* Implement ANM for ACE
* Implement and verify ACE for network management

* Implement a Central Manager for WAAS
* Implement NetQoS for WAAS
* Manage the ACE appliance using the ACE appliance management GUI
* Implement ACE management
* Implement GSS management

Exam : Cisco 642-975
Title : Cisco Data Center Application Services Implementation

1. When configuring a Cisco ACE Module for deployment in an existing Cisco Catalyst 6500 Switch, what is the objective of the command svclc vlan-group 5 100-102?
A. assigns the VLANs 100-102 to the line card in slot 5
B. groups the VLANs 100-102 into line card group 5
C. allocates the VLANs to be assigned to the Cisco ACE appliance ports
D. creates the VLANs 100-102
Answer: B

2. Which three statements best describe Cisco Application Networking Manager(ANM)? (Choose three)
A. Cisco ANM can manage virtual products and management-level domains through a number of Cisco ACE modules
B. Be able to discover, deploy, monitor and report a number of virtual products on Cisco ACE modules
C. Accomplish completely transparent deployment
D. The speed is low in the implementation process.
Answer: ABC

Testinside 642-975 exam study materials
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