Cars & Vehicles Trucks

Going digital with the tachograph

Since digital tachographs became compulsory four years ago, for all commercial vehicles registered on or after 1 May 2006, there has been a rise in products accompanying digital systems. Some of them can really aid drivers and tachograph system managers. These are a few of the things on the market to make the roles of commercial drivers more convenient.

Software for your tachograph system

There is now software that you or your company can now purchase to accompany tachograph systems. Software such as Clockwatcher Lite enables system operators to download and store digital data from tachographs in its original format.

Using this software, users can also view and print information from their smart cards through activity reports and daily summaries of their driving periods. Clockwatcher also allows operators to manage, back up and export any stored data, which means they can also import data from elsewhere in a standard file format.

The smart card data, which is very important information, can be stored onto a local hard drive or server, as well as vehicle data. Data from the Visual Unit (VU) can also be viewed and stored, making it even easier to see faults, events and speed data.

Download to your laptop

There is also software such as DigiLink, which allows tachograph users to use their laptop or notebook devices to directly download from a VU. These software programs usually have an email facility as well. This means you can send data direct to a chosen email address, which is a handy method of backing up your data, or distributing copies of it.

Normally you just need a USB to VU (K Line) cable, which should be supplied due to the uniqueness of it. There are also configurable download options that come with systems like DigiLink.

Drivers' Hours Guard

It can sometimes be tricky juggling a driving job and complying with driver's hours rules. Guards are designed to give drivers peace of mind when on the job.

There is a myriad of things it will tell you, including the total driving time for the day, week and fortnight, a record of activities during the working day, period of availability, the total average time you have worked under the Work Time Directive Regulations based on a 26-week period, what time you should take breaks in order to comply with Drivers' Hours Regulations, the remaining time available in a day/week/fortnight and the time your shift must end in order to comply legally.

The on screen display also gives the total number of nine-hour rest reductions remaining for the current week, the total number of ten-hour driving extensions left in the week, the compensation owed for reduced weekly rests, and when the compensation must be reimbursed by.


Guards usually are powered by rechargeable batteries and can be fitted in your vehicle in a similar way that a satellite navigation system is. Other models of this guard device also come with the feature of being able to download all the stored data via USB cable to a home or office PC, laptop or notebook.

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