Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Know If Your Ex Wants to Be Friends or Just for You to Stay Away! Follow These 7 Tips

Some relationships end and leave conflicts with an ex.
For the person who has been dumped, there can be heartbreak and mixed feelings about an ex.
Because of these feelings and can be hard to still communicate with your ex, or even have any desire to still be friends.
This is quite a common feeling among many people, because not one person enjoys being hurt.
If an ex is sending signals about wanting to remain friends, you may need to know what you should do in that type of situation.
Are You Being Used? This is one of the most important questions you need to consider.
If you have been hurt previously by an ex, it would not seem to make sense as to why your ex would want to still be friends.
If they have hurt you once, there is the chance of being hurt again.
Do not allow your ex to pretend to be your friend, and then hurt you once again.
Official More than half of breakups usually never lead to a friendship.
Most people do not want to remain friends because of emotions that are still involved with an ex.
If you attempted to be friends, things may feel awkward and certainly would not feel the same.
Acceptance Sometimes it is more beneficial for you to accept that the relationship did not work out.
If you are still interested in your ex, and they only want to be friends, this could make you feel confused.
It is much better to leave things alone, then to pursue a friendship that could hurt you.
Give Yourself Time When all else fails, and you are not sure whether to remain friends with an ex, give yourself time.
It is never a good idea to be friends, when there are still feelings involved.
Take time to allow yourself to move on from the relationship, then decide.
Make Your Own Choices Do not let your ex control your choice.
If you do not think it is a good idea to be friends, than let them know.
If you allow yourself to be pushed into something, you will only feel uncomfortable.
Lose Contact Avoid having any contact with your ex.
This does not mean you are being rude, or that you don't want to be friend.
By staying in contact with your ex after a breakup, you do not give yourself time to heal.
If you ex wants to be friends, he/she will understand.
Confrontation Let your ex know that you are hurt from the relationship, and you need time.
If you decide to be friends and end up getting hurt, it will be harder to let go of an ex.
Make sure to let them know that the breakup is final.
If you want to be friends, than you will be friends.

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