Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Still Trying to Get Pregnant But Are Finding it Hard? Advice From a Mother - Part 1

You've been trying to get pregnant for awhile now, or maybe you've just started and are ready to pull your hair out just thinking of how complicated everything seems to be today.
Either way, I know exactly how you feel and what you're going through right now.
Just to give you an idea of exactly what I mean by this, and how I a total stranger to you could understand what you're going through, I'm going to give you a little background information on me..
and you might just quickly see why.
Today I have three amazing children, and while sometimes I can see why wild animals eat their young, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
it was not always so simple.
My husband and I decided to get pregnant years back, and while we knew that the road wouldn't be as simple as a one time try, we never imagined it would be this hard for us just to conceive our first child.
We went through hell and back, and finally after almost three years of trying, and trying, and being told by everyone we should try ivf, or that we were both simply infertile...
we proved them wrong by naturally conceiving our first child.
The road was a very hard one, and a very emotionally trying one, but it was very much worth everything in the end.
This article is only part 1 in a many part article series for those trying to get pregnant.
So please do look through all my other articles to get the much wanted information that you seek regarding many different conception, fertility, and pregnancy issues.
But unlike most other articles, writings, or posts out there on the internet or even books, I'm going to start this series off with something just a little bit different than the usual "tips" or just diving in to all the technical stuff.
Before we get into all that in the next few series I want to talk a little bit more about your emotional state and well being and prepare for what's about to come...
don't worry in a good way! :) If you're just starting out, then you should prepare yourself for the long haul, and understand that even if you don't get pregnant the first month or two that you try, then it's ok, and not something to freak out about! If you've been trying to get pregnant for a while now but still can't seem to conceive, you too need to calm down a bit and not freak out.
Understand that it's different for everyone, and just because you still haven't conceived, doesn't mean that you won't or can't.
We live in the information age and the technology age, and that only goes to serve us very well.
You have so many options available to you, and so many new things to do and try naturally, that you can't give up hope, or get depressed about the fact that you've been trying to get pregnant..
and are finding it much harder to start the family you want.
You will get there...
It might take some time...
Some effort...
But the payoff will be huge and life changing..
Just imagine...

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