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How to Change the Clock on a Sunbeam Microwave

    • 1). Plug the microwave into an electrical outlet. The digital display screen will light up.

    • 2). Touch and hold the clock button until the display prompts you for the time by blinking.

    • 3). Tap the clock button to choose between the standard 12-hour clock and the military 24-hour clock. Some models do not give you the ability to choose. If this is the case, the clock is preset to military time.

    • 4). Type in the correct time using the number pad and then press "clock" again. If your unit has a Time/WEI button do not use the keypad. Tap the Time/WEI button to cycle through the hours, tap the clock button again and then press the Time/WEI button to cycle though the minutes. Finally, press the time button again to exit the program.

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