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Joint family a thing of the past

Joint family a thing of the past

           Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.

            We had been leading here in India a joint family system for centuries, but now this system has lived its life and when daughters in law come in the family, they do not like to live in the joint family system and bear the dictatorship of mothers in law.  They want immediate separation and when the elders in the family want to continue with the joint family system, we have seen that some of the daughters in law commit suicide and at times there are reports in India where daughters in laws are killed by the in laws and then they are facing trials in courts.  Therefore, time has come when people in the family of in law must try to understand the changed circumstances and must ensure that when they marry their son, they must be prepared to separate him from the family and must also see that he is well settled in life.  They must give him the credit of his work with the family and must give some money, property so that he too could settled in life and similarly the parents of the daughter must also give her some share so that she could help her husband in settling a new home for them.  We can write off this dowry system and we can convert this dowry system into share of the daughter and she must get her share and no brother should be allowed to get her consent to leave her share in the properties and assets of her parents.

                We have seen that the number of girls is coming down in some states in India because of this dowry system and we have seen that people are killing daughters in law because of dowry.  We have seen that daughters in law are facing hardship in adjusting themselves in the joint family especially with the women band in the family of in law.  The mother in law cannot accept this daughter in law as her daughter and similarly the daughter in law is not in a position to accept this mother in law as her mother.  This dispute is the main root of all troubles in the family and all in the family suffer because of this dispute.  When the boy comes back from work in the evening tired, he has to listen complaints from both sides and it becomes difficult for him to settle these disputes.  He cannot take the side of his mother nor he is in a position to take side of his wife and both are not happy with him.

                  Therefore, time has come when the parents must decide all these things before time and they must arrange separate accommodation for the new couple and if they are dependant upon the son, they can seek maintenance from the son and even law of the land can help them.  But this life should not be made a hell and the new couple must be allowed to live a happy life.  Once they get separate living accommodation and freedom there are chances that they shall have successes in life and shall stand at their own feet.  They shall not dependent on parents nor they shall be compelled to follow orders of parents.  The parents must give them proper education, proper training and proper settlement at work so that they could stand at their own feet and could establish a house of their own and become a complete member of the society in which they live. Let us discard this joint family system in India because it has lived its importance and at present it creates so many troubles for the family and progress is stopped and jeoperdized.

                                       101-C Vikas Colony, Patiala-Pb-India-147003

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