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Football Position Suggestions

Dehydration is an enemy to football success

Drinking plenty of water is all it takes to prevent dehydration, and thus should be an important part of football practices. Make sure that during the football practice players have their water bottles handy and are drinking often. Always remember that if you prevent, punish, or otherwise use water as a motivational tool it is very counterproductive, and there are many other motivating paths that you can take. Keeping everyone happy and hydrated will go a long way to a successful practice.

The High Toss Football Catch

As a receiver, or any player that is going to catch a pass, you know that not all passes are going to go right to the chest. As such you need to practice the high passes so that you know to react, here are some basics: The first and most important is that you extend your arms and keep your hands together in a diamond type shape to catch that football. Never catch or try to catch a ball with your body, especially a high ball. Once you have your hands around the ball, don't take your eyes off the ball but follow it right into your tuck. If you are taking your eyes off for any reason you will lose focus and have a greater chance to miss the pass, or worse, fumble the football.

Conditioning: The five dot drill

Conditioning is meant to increase speed, endurance, and reaction time on the football field. This drills intention is to help quickness and accuracy on the field which will reduce errors and increase the chances of great plays. Setting up this drill is very simple, you will need five markers placed about a foot apart in an x formation with one of the dots being in the center surrounded by four other dots in a square formation.

The player will start by placing a foot on the back two dots and then jumps together to the middle dot and then out separating his legs to the outer dots, much like you would see in hop scotch. Next the player will jump touching each dot with on leg only, and then switch using the other leg. The next step is jumping on all five dots with both feet together. The end step is similar to the first jumping jack step except that this time the player will turn 180 degrees after jumping on the two dots. Remember that speed and accuracy are important on this drill so coaches should start players off slow and then proceed to full speed constantly watching accuracy.

Making and effective Angle Tackle

It is a great idea to practice angle tackles with your defense because not all tackles are made with the opponent right in front of you. Set up a simple drill with two players, on as the offense with the ball running in a straight line, the other as the defender running towards him at some angle. As the opponent comes toward the defender he will need to adjust his body position and shorten the angle, put his foot in front of the opponent, and make sure that he put his head in front of the opponent. The tackle is completed as the defender wraps his hands tightly around the opponent, straightens his hips and pushes the opponent to the ground or off sides.

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