Health & Medical Parenting

How to Get the Toddler Out of the Parent's Bed

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      A bath is a fun way to help a child calm down for bedtime.bath image by Mat Hayward from

      Create a bedtime routine. The goal of the routine is to calm the child and prepare her for bed. Some activities can include a warm bath, books, songs, hugs and kisses.

    • 2). Tell the child goodnight, and leave the room. The child must know that he is expected to stay in bed.

    • 3). When the child gets up the first time, take him back to bed, tell him that it is bedtime, give him a kiss and leave the room.

    • 4). If the child gets up again, use a firmer voice, tell him it is bedtime and give a quick kiss before leaving the room.

    • 5). If the child gets up again, say nothing and put him back in bed. Continue to do this each time the child gets out of bed until he is asleep. Each night the number of times the child gets out of bed will become fewer until the child willingly stays in his own bed the first time.

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