Health & Medical Parenting

Increase Your Awareness About Sexual Predators

As parents, we may think or say things like, "It'll never happen to me," or "That's not my concern," or "I don't live in a bad neighborhood.
" Don't fool yourself; many people only become involved when "After the fact" something has occurred.
When sexual predators take advantage of children, they take away their innocence.
If we fail to increase awareness in our household, we put our families at a disadvantage.
When your children go trick-or-treating, do you know how many doors they knock on who are sex offenders or predators, registered or unregistered? I know many people first thoughts are "burn in hell," or "spend the rest of your life in prison.
" This is how the community becomes illiterate on why and how people prey on children.
In TV media, John Walsh on America's Most Wanted has done an outstanding job of educating society of sexual predators.
However, many people in society have fooled themselves over the past decades of not dealing with problematic issue.
I encourage the community, especially those with children to educate themselves about the how's and why's of sex offenders.
Tips to build awareness: • Build a neighborhood relationship.
• Become involved in your community.
• Do not become naive and complacent.
• Parents should educate about sex (appropriate age).
• Monitor your children on the Internet i.
chat, sites, and downloads.
• Don't accept rides, money, cell phones, or video games.
• Find what lures your children i.
a basketball, football, or cheerleading outfit.
• Sexual predators do it because they believe they won't get caught.
• Maintain a good visual of your children at parks and recreation centers.
• Be aware of suspicious people.
• Acknowledge that sexual predators will return to our communities.
• Always go with your gut feeling because you can never go wrong! Parents don't forget the Internet is a networking tool for sexual predators to attract your children.
If you are not computer savvy, then become computer savvy or know someone with the skills to help you.
Children are easily befriended and manipulated over the Internet and lured into dangerous or deadly situations.
Know who they talk about and what friends they hang around.
Sexual predators sit and watch children leave and come home from school, ride bikes throughout the neighborhood, and sit at the mall watching your children play test latest video game.
Since you can't probably afford it, no worries they will.
This builds trust and the manipulation starts.
Know your surroundings, family friends, neighborhoods, malls, and community.
Be proactive and not behind the eight ball on sexual predators.
Take advantage of seminars, read the local newspaper, and stay current on media news.
Not being aware of your surroundings can be a safety concern and as parents we need to become more proactive in educating our families about sexual predators.

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