Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Natural Heartburn Relief - Think Twice Before Rushing to the Pharmacy

When heartburn strikes and you automatically reach for those pills that give you the relief that you so desperately need, do you ever think that there might be an alternative, more effective heartburn remedy? You may have of heard of "natural heartburn relief" but written it off as silly nonsense, spread by those who worship the sun and practice black magic.
But you really should think again.
Natural remedies and treatments are rapidly gaining popularity as viable alternatives to the conventional drug based medication that net the pharmaceutical companies, massive fortunes.
In the case of heartburn, over-the-counter and prescribed medications have three serious drawbacks.
i) the relief they produce is only temporary because they only treat the symptoms of the condition and not the underlying factors that cause it.
Your heartburn returns when you stop taking the medication.
ii) they all act by reducing the amount or the effect of stomach acid but we need this acid to be effective in order to digest our food effectively.
iii) these medications are known to produce a wide range of adverse, potentially harmful side effects, ranging from constipation or diarrhoea through to high levels of toxic chemicals building up in your body.
So what is the alternative? How can you get effective natural heartburn relief? Well first of all it is certainly not black magic.
Natural treatments treat the causes of heartburn and not simply deal with the symptoms, so you are actually preventing the problem and not simply reacting to it.
This is the fundamental benefit.
You use your body's own defences to fight the problem.
Diet Identifying and avoiding those foods that trigger your problem is simple commonsense.
Lifestyle By making basic changes to the way you live, such as when and how you eat, avoiding putting pressure on your stomach and how you sleep, can help significantly in reducing acid reflux attacks.
Of course we cannot avoid mentioning smoking and alcohol and their well documented effects on every aspect of your health.
Making specific changes to diet and lifestyle will certainly work to reduce the number of heartburn attacks that you suffer and then you can consider what natural medication is available to give you added protection.
Natural medication There is a wide range of totally natural medication which has proven to be equally as effective as conventional medication without producing the side effects.
Furthermore, they stimulate your body's own defences to target specific causes of your condition and eliminate them.
You are using your body's natural resources to combat your problem.
So, before you rush off to the pharmacy shouldn't you consider what drug free remedies are available? What if you combined them to create a highly effective self-care program of natural heartburn relief, targeting the causes of the condition and eliminating them? Wouldn't that lead to the ultimate heartburn treatment - a permanent cure?

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