Karate Sidestep Technique
- It is essential that you anticipate your opponent's attack. The karate sidestep technique requires perfect timing. If you wait until your opponent attacks, it will be too late to move out of the way. Bounce lightly on the balls of your feet and focus on your opponent's motions. Look for indications that he will lunge toward you, like a shifting of weight from one foot to the other or the dropping of his hands. You can also perform the karate sidestep technique as a straight attack before your opponent moves.
- Make your movements clean and deliberate. Do not sit back on your heels or shuffle your weight back and forth between your feet. Take a single, deliberate step to the side at the moment your opponent moves toward you or before he moves. The natural tendency is to move backward, so performing the karate sidestep technique will require practice.
- Choose your target and method of attack depending on the direction of your sidestep. If you sidestep toward your opponent's back, attack with a roundhouse kick to his abdomen. Make sure to slip your leg beneath his arm. If you sidestep toward your opponent's front, attack with a front hand straight punch to his open face, neck or solar plexus.
- Maintaining proper distance is essential to a successful karate sidestep. If you are sidestepping into a kick, step a full leg length so your foot impacts the target. If you are planning to punch, take a shorter sidestep so your fist can reach your opponent with your fist. Keep your hips low and feet on the ground when you attack. This will help you generate the most power and maintain your balance throughout the karate sidestep technique.
- Prepare for your next move immediately after your sidestep and attack. You will be in a vulnerable position after the karate sidestep technique. Your back will be facing your opponent or you will be standing directly in front of your opponent. Continue moving to maintain fighting distance or immediately transition into another technique and attack again.