Family & Relationships Conflict

Ending a Relationship - Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Does walking the dog and watering the plant comes before breaking up with your ex? In most cases, having a breakup is on the bottom of a person's to do list.
However, when a relationship have gone bad, someone have to take the initiative to end it.
In fact, many relationships have long gone past the "expiry date" because itis difficult to end the relationship.
A relationship may end up quite dramatically such as clothes and belongings being thrown out of the window, or other times it could be as simple as someone just said the "Let's break up" phrase.
But just how do you ensure that both parties will not be hurt when a relationship is going to be put to an end? You will need to find out what's the real reason behind the breakup.
The first thoughts that come into your mind may not be the real reason, so you need to clear your mind up and think carefully.
Once you find the real reason, you need to be truthful to your partner and discuss the breakup.
The next step is to have a meet up where both you and partner can see each other physically.
It is important to attend this meet up and not just talk over the phone in the ending the relationship.
During the discussion, you need to be compassion and talk about the wonderful time you have experience together as a couple.
Let your partner know that even though after the breakup, both of you can still be friends.
If you partner turns out to be emotional, you need to respond to their needs by lending your shoulder to let them cry if needed.
Your partner may also be harsh to you by saying all sorts of words, but do not take this personal, just let it pass out from your mind.
In any cases, do not let your partner make you feel guilty.
You are going to start a new life without your ex and if you are ending it for the right reason, it is good for both of you in the long run.
But what if you feel that you want to consider reconnecting to your ex? It's a decision you have to ask yourself in your quite time.
But virtually all relationships can be saved when some simple requirements are met and following a proven strategy.

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