Acupuncture for Weight Loss
- Using flexible, very thin needles, an acupuncturist targets certain key points on your skin. Never penetrating far, and rarely causing pain, he or she inserts a series of needles often in a line or pattern. The needles are left in place for 30 minutes or so, usually in a calming situation.
- Acupuncture addresses both organic and holistic concerns. Upon examination, an acupuncturist may describe your problem as an organ that needs to be rebalanced. On the other hand, the concern might be that your body as a whole is out of tune. However, no one suggests that acupuncture alone helps you to lose weight. Acupuncture should always be an adjunct, or secondary, method.
- Synergy, the unexpected greater benefits of two approaches working better than either does alone, can make weight loss easier and more sustainable. Unfortunately, there seems to be no scientific results that support that acupuncture is better than other less expensive methods, such as meditation. However, acupuncture has little chance of side effects.
- If you decide to go ahead with acupuncture, proceed with caution. You should never start a weight loss effort without planning. Research your options and select the best practitioner. Shy away from anyone making big promises. Acupuncturists, like their art, should always be understated. Plan on weekly sessions over several weeks. Some health plans cover acupuncture, but rarely for weight loss. Still, checking about your coverage should be part of your plan.
Always arrive for your sessions as calm as you can. Don't schedule your session for the afternoon after the big presentation you have to give at work. Find peace of mind. You may discover that the sessions are rewarding in providing you time alone in a serene setting. - As always, you should only get medical advice from your health professional. He or she can guide you and help to protect, and indeed, improve your health. On the other hand, do educate yourself. Be a partner in your health care. The better informed you are, the more you can contribute to the partnership and the better your result will be.
If you do decide to try acupuncture, you should carefully choose the right practitioner, fully discuss your plans beforehand with your health professional, and limit how much you spend or how long you use this approach.