How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally and Easily
If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure or have been living with the condition for some time, then you will understand what it is like to live in the shadow of this silent killer.
Hypertension is a leading cause of heart attack, stroke and chronic renal failure, so it is no small thing to deal with.
If you plan on continuing on as before and doing nothing about your high blood pressure, hoping for the best, don't be fooled - this is the best way for you to shorten your lifespan.
Popping a pill and continuing as ever is another bad option because you will be just suppressing a symptom without dealing with the cause.
The first thing that should be done when looking at how to reduce hypertension is a thorough assessment of your lifestyle and to change those aspects that are leading you to hypertension.
Curing and prevention depend on a number of factors which include the current blood pressure level when a patient is diagnosed, any changes in organs like the heart and kidneys the age of the presenting person and their risk of cardiovascular disease.
Unless there is very severe high blood pressure present, then the sufferer should try to use lifestyle changes and non-pharmaceutical options before and drugs are administered.
Managing hypertension and pre-hypertension begins with changes in lifestyle.
Because hypertension is usually a symptom or product of bad lifestyle choices, this is where the best chance for turning the disorder around lies.
If possible, natural and lifestyle changes should be explored by all hypertensive patients before any medications are used, because very often blood pressure medicine is taken for life.
Weight should be your first place to start.
Reducing weight is a key issue and coupled with light exercise on a regular basis (such as daily walking) is the first step in overcoming hypertension.
Regular exercise improves blood flow and helps to reduce your resting heart rate and lowers your blood pressure.
Low intensity exercise is generally held to be more effective than high intensity exercise when dealing with hypertension.
The next key thing is to reduce your dietary intake of sugar and salt.
Eating less salt is particularly important for effectively lowering your blood pressure and keeping it at safe levels.
Many of the recommended dietary changes are common sense for a healthy lifestyle e.
eating fruit and vegetable rich foods and low fat dairy products.
The effects of sodium on the kidneys can also be offset by increasing calcium and potassium consumption which will help to reduce blood pressure.
Stopping smoking and drinking is also another important factor.
Blood pressure increases following alcohol and nicotine consumption, and over use may lead to a more severe hypertensive state.
Besides the health risks of smoking hypertensive patients are especially at risk because of the increase in the possibility of heart attack and stroke.
It is also recommended to stop caffeine intake, especially coffee, as it will increase blood pressure, though it does not produce hypertension, it can aggravate existing conditions.
Stress reduction is another important factor.
Learning how to relax using breathing and meditation techniques can help to reduce your symptoms.
Recognising and reducing environmental stress agents such as high noise levels and over-lit areas in your home are also important for dealing with the problem.
Medication should be the last resort.
If you know where to look you can find many natural cures and remedies which, coupled with the lifestyle changes mentioned can see you wave goodbye to high blood pressure for good.
Hypertension is a leading cause of heart attack, stroke and chronic renal failure, so it is no small thing to deal with.
If you plan on continuing on as before and doing nothing about your high blood pressure, hoping for the best, don't be fooled - this is the best way for you to shorten your lifespan.
Popping a pill and continuing as ever is another bad option because you will be just suppressing a symptom without dealing with the cause.
The first thing that should be done when looking at how to reduce hypertension is a thorough assessment of your lifestyle and to change those aspects that are leading you to hypertension.
Curing and prevention depend on a number of factors which include the current blood pressure level when a patient is diagnosed, any changes in organs like the heart and kidneys the age of the presenting person and their risk of cardiovascular disease.
Unless there is very severe high blood pressure present, then the sufferer should try to use lifestyle changes and non-pharmaceutical options before and drugs are administered.
Managing hypertension and pre-hypertension begins with changes in lifestyle.
Because hypertension is usually a symptom or product of bad lifestyle choices, this is where the best chance for turning the disorder around lies.
If possible, natural and lifestyle changes should be explored by all hypertensive patients before any medications are used, because very often blood pressure medicine is taken for life.
Weight should be your first place to start.
Reducing weight is a key issue and coupled with light exercise on a regular basis (such as daily walking) is the first step in overcoming hypertension.
Regular exercise improves blood flow and helps to reduce your resting heart rate and lowers your blood pressure.
Low intensity exercise is generally held to be more effective than high intensity exercise when dealing with hypertension.
The next key thing is to reduce your dietary intake of sugar and salt.
Eating less salt is particularly important for effectively lowering your blood pressure and keeping it at safe levels.
Many of the recommended dietary changes are common sense for a healthy lifestyle e.
eating fruit and vegetable rich foods and low fat dairy products.
The effects of sodium on the kidneys can also be offset by increasing calcium and potassium consumption which will help to reduce blood pressure.
Stopping smoking and drinking is also another important factor.
Blood pressure increases following alcohol and nicotine consumption, and over use may lead to a more severe hypertensive state.
Besides the health risks of smoking hypertensive patients are especially at risk because of the increase in the possibility of heart attack and stroke.
It is also recommended to stop caffeine intake, especially coffee, as it will increase blood pressure, though it does not produce hypertension, it can aggravate existing conditions.
Stress reduction is another important factor.
Learning how to relax using breathing and meditation techniques can help to reduce your symptoms.
Recognising and reducing environmental stress agents such as high noise levels and over-lit areas in your home are also important for dealing with the problem.
Medication should be the last resort.
If you know where to look you can find many natural cures and remedies which, coupled with the lifestyle changes mentioned can see you wave goodbye to high blood pressure for good.