Interview Question: When Do You Plan to Retire?
Even though it seems unfair, employers can be concerned about how long an older candidate will stay if they are hired. They can be hesitant to invest the time and money in hiring and training an employee who may retire in a year or two.
Asking an applicant an interview question about when they plan to retire is a way to test the career commitment of an older worker.
How to Answer Interview Questions About Retirement
Your answer to this question should clearly convey the idea that you are genuinely invested in your career and not just putting in your time until retirement.
Mention You're Not Ready to Retire
A good start can be stating that you aren't considering retirement in the near future since you are so passionate about the work you are doing in your field.
Discuss What You've Been Working On
Mention specific projects and responsibilities in your current or last position which are energizing and rewarding. Be sure to mention the aspects of the job for which you are interviewing that appeal to you and would motivate you to invest the maximum energy in your work.
Share Your Goals
Another way to get the message across that you're not ready for retirement is to discuss your goals for professional development. Discuss some of the cutting edge areas of knowledge or skills for your profession which you are currently learning and wish to build upon in the next few years.
Show That's You've Still Got the Right Stuff
Employers may question the energy level of older workers, so provide examples of how you may have gone the extra mile in recent projects to meet a deadline or impress a client.
If you regularly work more than the minimum hours in your job, find a way to integrate your work schedule into the discussion. For example, perhaps you like to get in to work early to organize your day and/or stay later to prepare for the next day.
Read More:Interview Answers for Older Applicants | Job Search Tips for Older Workers
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