How to Cite Bibliographies in APA Format
- 1). Capitalize proper nouns and initials, all words in a title that are at least four letters long and the first word after a dash or colon. Be sure to capitalize both words in a compound hyphenated word.
- 2). Italicize or underline the titles of longer works, such as books, movies and television series. Place quotation marks around the titles of smaller parts of the larger works, such as the chapter, song, episode title or article.
- 3). Start the citation with the author's last name, followed by his first initial. If there is more than one author, list the authors in the order that they appear on the title page of the work. For example: "Berndt, T." or "Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., Harlow, T., & Bach, J. S."
- 4). Follow the author's name with the year the work was published in parentheses and a period. For example: "Berndt, T. J. (2002)." or "Wegener, D. T., & Petty, R. E. (1994)."
- 5). Follow the publication year with the title of the smaller work, such as the article title and then the title of the larger work. End the title of the smaller work with a period and the title of the larger work with a comma. For example: Berndt, T. J. (1999). Friends' influence on students' adjustment to school. Educational Psychologist,
- 6). Follow the sources title with the volume number and then the page numbers where the reference can be found. Use a hyphen between page numbers. For example: Berndt, T. J. (1999). Friends' influence on students' adjustment to school. Educational Psychologist, 34, 15-28.
- 7). Format the bibliography or Works Cited page. This page must be set for double-space, 12-point and usually New Times Roman font. Each citation must be set with an half-inch, left-margin, hanging indention.
- 8). Place all citations in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the citation. In most cases, the first letter will be from the author's last name. However, occasionally, an author cannot be identified and the first letter will be from the title of the work.