Lower Blood Pressure Helps Keep You Healthy Even If You Have Diabetes
Various studies and researches indicate that these two diseases too often go hand-in-hand.
Diabetes increases a person's risk for developing various medical conditions, including heart disease, stroke, kidney damage and eye problems.
Additionally HBP, hypertension, itself adds to the workload of the heart, arteries and kidneys increasing the health risks too.
It's of interest that about 65% of people with diabetes also have HBP, meaning they have a compounded risk of these various other conditions.
Patients diagnosed with diabetes need to be aware of the health risks, including heart disease and strokes and regular visit to the doctor should include taking a BP reading also.
Early Detection Cuts Risks People who are diagnosed with diabetes tend to have more trouble with high BP than people who don't have the medical condition.
Both of these medical conditions can pack a damaging one-two punch as far as increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and eye, kidney and nerve complications.
High blood pressure has no visible symptoms and is known as the "silent killer".
Fortunately it can easily identified by taking your BP reading.
If you are lucky and your doctor did catch HBP early, then you can start your program of keeping your BP in a healthy range between 120/80.
Early signs of high blood pressure fall between 120/80 and 140/90.
BP readings of over 140/90 signals hypertension.
Keep Blood Pressure Down When your doctor discovers that your blood pressure is creeping up, he/she will recommend you making some lifestyle changes that will help you take control of your blood pressure and keep it low.
Losing some extra weight, regular exercise, quitting smoking, and watching how much salt you eat daily they all can help you keep BP normal.
Your doctor also will prescribe you blood pressure medicine to ensure that your BP doesn't rise too high.
Keep in mind that if you have diabetes, you and your doctor need to be extra vigilant about keeping your blood pressure at a normal range -- you are at an increased risk of serious health complications associated with hypertension.
Health Risks For People With Diabetes Kidney damage - Since HBP can cause damage to the small filtering vessels in your kidney and diabetes itself can damage kidneys, the condition can become even more serious and complicated for medical treatment.
Heart disease and stroke - It's no secret that diabetics have double the risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke.
Additionally diabetes increases the risk of atherosclerosis caused by blockage of the blood vessels with buildup sticky plaque.
For these reasons making lifestyle changes such as eating low fat food, losing extra weight and getting enough exercise on a regular basis are such an important part of BP lowering program.
Medications For High Blood Pressure The most common medications for treating HBP include: Diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARB's (Angiotensin receptor blockers), Beta blockers and Calcium Channel blockers.
However, if you cooperate and work with your healthcare provider and make the necessary lifestyle changes, you can take control and lower your BP without taking prescribed blood pressure medications and drugs.
All of this can go a long way towards helping you live a longer, stronger and healthier life.
The most respective medical journals such as The Lancet, the British Medical Journal, and daily newspapers such as The Sunday Times, The Daily Mail and even on the BBC are consistently reporting how natural means can reverse Hypertension and help control diabetes.
Diabetes increases a person's risk for developing various medical conditions, including heart disease, stroke, kidney damage and eye problems.
Additionally HBP, hypertension, itself adds to the workload of the heart, arteries and kidneys increasing the health risks too.
It's of interest that about 65% of people with diabetes also have HBP, meaning they have a compounded risk of these various other conditions.
Patients diagnosed with diabetes need to be aware of the health risks, including heart disease and strokes and regular visit to the doctor should include taking a BP reading also.
Early Detection Cuts Risks People who are diagnosed with diabetes tend to have more trouble with high BP than people who don't have the medical condition.
Both of these medical conditions can pack a damaging one-two punch as far as increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and eye, kidney and nerve complications.
High blood pressure has no visible symptoms and is known as the "silent killer".
Fortunately it can easily identified by taking your BP reading.
If you are lucky and your doctor did catch HBP early, then you can start your program of keeping your BP in a healthy range between 120/80.
Early signs of high blood pressure fall between 120/80 and 140/90.
BP readings of over 140/90 signals hypertension.
Keep Blood Pressure Down When your doctor discovers that your blood pressure is creeping up, he/she will recommend you making some lifestyle changes that will help you take control of your blood pressure and keep it low.
Losing some extra weight, regular exercise, quitting smoking, and watching how much salt you eat daily they all can help you keep BP normal.
Your doctor also will prescribe you blood pressure medicine to ensure that your BP doesn't rise too high.
Keep in mind that if you have diabetes, you and your doctor need to be extra vigilant about keeping your blood pressure at a normal range -- you are at an increased risk of serious health complications associated with hypertension.
Health Risks For People With Diabetes Kidney damage - Since HBP can cause damage to the small filtering vessels in your kidney and diabetes itself can damage kidneys, the condition can become even more serious and complicated for medical treatment.
Heart disease and stroke - It's no secret that diabetics have double the risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke.
Additionally diabetes increases the risk of atherosclerosis caused by blockage of the blood vessels with buildup sticky plaque.
For these reasons making lifestyle changes such as eating low fat food, losing extra weight and getting enough exercise on a regular basis are such an important part of BP lowering program.
Medications For High Blood Pressure The most common medications for treating HBP include: Diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARB's (Angiotensin receptor blockers), Beta blockers and Calcium Channel blockers.
However, if you cooperate and work with your healthcare provider and make the necessary lifestyle changes, you can take control and lower your BP without taking prescribed blood pressure medications and drugs.
All of this can go a long way towards helping you live a longer, stronger and healthier life.
The most respective medical journals such as The Lancet, the British Medical Journal, and daily newspapers such as The Sunday Times, The Daily Mail and even on the BBC are consistently reporting how natural means can reverse Hypertension and help control diabetes.