Health & Medical Lose Weight

The Successful Loser

Not a word that you would normally want to hear but when tied up with other words like belly fat, thunder thighs, chubby cheeks and just straight fat, well, you get the picture.
Getting rid of that fat will get you called a loser and that is a good thing.
If you want to lose 5 pounds or 250 pounds the weekly success rate will motivate you to a weight loss in the least amount of time.
We all want to look our absolute finest and healthiest.
Slim, well toned and with fine glowing skin.
Find the way to succeed in all aspects of your goal.
Have you ever felt that giving in to a temptation and breaking your regime was a waste of time when that favorite outfit for that special occasion looks ten sizes too small 30 minutes before show time? Why didn't I just keep on to lose fat and I wouldn't be so mad at myself? What a waste of time when I could have been terrific by now? That one lapse is the slippery slide to FAT, a gain.
An attainable regime is for everyone out there, who needs to be a loser? The uncomfortable teenager who is overlooked for sports or the theater group.
The young Mom trying to rid the last of the pregnancy fat, the executive who has a great golf date coming up, the office boy or the Grandmother and Grandfather who just want to be around a lot longer.
Yes all of you and lots more can be losers.
Hey, get a group together and give support to each other.
Not the ones who will offer you that cocktail that they know you do not want and should not drink.
The offer of that slice of cake, notably larger than anyone else's.
Group support is of great benefit.
Watch and feel that poundage slipping away.
The feeling of success and confidence pervading your system.
Finally you can sit back and know that you are after all, the winner.
You have joined the ranks of the Great Losers.

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