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Defining How To Allow A Bad Day As A Baseball Hitter

Those who deny the reality of failure on the baseball field are bound to have a frustrating baseball career. The players and baseball coaches that deny this reality are easy to spot on the field. You will see them yelling, tossing equipment, and throwing temper tantrums because they refuse to accept any type of mis-communication on the diamond.

Let me explain. If you have hit around .250 for three or four years in a row, guess what, you are a .250 hitter. You haven't had bad luck for that long, sorry! I used to make those same excuses. Just as many bloopers fall in as hard balls get caught for outs. It's the law of averages, it's time to deal with it!

However if you talk to most people, the refuse to believe the facts that are in front of them. These baseball players and coaches are easy to find on the baseball field. They are the ones that are all excited when things are going well and are yelling, complaining, throwing tantrums when something goes wrong! Bottom line, is they can't deal with the fact that they just aren't as skilled as they think they are.

A very subtle difference in mindset that can go a long way. Now I am not telling you to go change everything after a week. You are going to have highs and lows in a season and the ability to remain consistent with your batting approach remains crucial at any level. However, if you have been a .250 hitter for a month or two, now its time to reassess your batting training sessions.

Here is how to fix the problem. Step 1 is to immediately accept that your performance is entirely based around your baseball hitting training and your baseball hitting approach. Step 2 is to make a list of how you could improve you baseball hitting training and approach to make yourself a better batter. Step 3, continually refine your approach down to the smallest action and repeat.

Every week repeat steps 1 through 3 and before you know it, you will become a better batter. Each week take down weekly goals, daily goals, and every action goals. One you comfortable understanding and accepting that it's called an batting average for a reason, you will take your baseball hitting game to the next level. Remember batting is about repeating a process, not hitting a baseball!

Those who refuse to accept failure as part of the game, limit their potential to grow. They will never truly understand their success or their downfalls. Only when you take a step back, gain perspective, and move forward with a purpose will you have the ability to reach your baseball batting potential.

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