Health & Medical Eating & Food

What Gluten Does To The Body

What Gluten Does to the Body

I am not in the business of changing lives but the information I am going to share with you changed mine. Big business food companies would rather you never read this information. Lets get to it.

You may be surprised to hear that gluten plays a direct role in your daily life. Before you opt to take anti-depressants, another cup of coffee with an extra espresso shot, or other kinds of medication, take a moment to sit back and analyze how much gluten is in your diet because a variety of your favorite foods, meals and desserts could contain the one item that is thoroughly damaging to your health. Gluten, often times, is the cause for those drowsy, dreadful days.

Gluten can bind up your digestive system, stopping up your system like glue. Since gluten is typically found in wheat products, you are likely clogging up your colon and digestive system on a daily basis. Allowing toxins to build up in your system over time, making you feel sluggish and tired.

There are elements of Gluten that promote irritation to the stomach, also. The lectins and mineral binding phytates in Gluten prevents your body from absorbing and discarding the food that you are eating, which ultimately causes you stomach irritation, or more commonly known as "gut rot". Nutrients vital to your body can be consumed by the gluten, rather than your cellsThe nutrients lost can cause serious irritation in your gut. It is extremely important to find a gluten free alternative to your favorite foods.

Consuming gluten has a very positive effect on cancer cells in the body (positive for the cancer cells). Gluten is a known supporter to cancer cells, a disease id rather not promote. Do you want to give any unwanted cancerous cells a garden to grow in? I dont know about you, but I do not want to give up my life to gluten.

It can be extremely beneficial to eat gluten free. The benefits of eating gluten free are endless. You can still enjoy delicious foods and exquisite deserts that thoroughly satisfy your taste buds when eating gluten free. After all, you can promote a healthier lifestyle by eating gluten free foods and desserts that will absolutely satisfy your grumbling stomach and sweet tooth.

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