Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Refinish a Toilet Bowl

    • 1). Mask off any areas of the toilet or near the toilet that you will not be refinishing. Use tarps to cover large areas, and masking tape both to hold down the tarps and to mask off smaller areas. This will protect these areas from damage.

    • 2). Clean the toilet to remove any oils and grime from the bowl. Spray the bowl clean with the low-pressure sprayer and water to remove any residual cleaning product.

    • 3). Repair any chips or scratches, using the materials provided in the refinishing kit. Repairs will require sanding to create a surface for the bonding agent, and a bonding agent to fill them in. Wear the goggles, gloves and respirator for this and all remaining steps to avoid injury.

    • 4). Apply a layer of refinishing topcoat from the kit to the bowl and allow it to dry.

    • 5). Repeat Step 4 two to three more times until the desired consistent look is achieved.

    • 6). Allow the final layer of topcoat to sit for 24 hours.

    • 7). Buff the toilet with the buffing agent in the kit, using the buffer.

    • 8). Polish the toilet using the polishing agent in the kit and a clean rag.

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