Law & Legal & Attorney Employment & labor Law

A Social Security Number Search Can Protect Your Business

Your business is your sweat and blood and nobody can refute that particular fact.
No matter how big an empire you had built - be it big or small, only you would know about the amount of time and effort that you had put in it.
Having put so much of time, energy and money into it, how would you feel, if someone had to steal all of it from right under your nose.
How would you feel if that someone was a person that you had trusted more than anyone in just few weeks of getting to know that person? Think this a possible scenario that can bring your empire to a grinding halt? Then read on to find out how best you can avoid it from happening to you.
If there is one crime that can leave you absolutely bankrupt, then that crime can only be fraud.
Such a fraud can take place in a lot of ways and the commonest of ways through which such a crime could be committed is when identity theft is perfectly executed.
Identity theft is a federal crime, because of which America is losing close to five billion dollars each year.
All of this could be avoided by banks and various businesses, if the financial officers had taken the time to conduct a research about prospective consultants or partners who were to join the board.
Such a search could have been completed easily with the social security numbers.
If there is a possibility that you as a business owner had started trusting someone who had just come on board or if you have not taken the time to find out about the company that is consulting for you to bring in more revenue, then it is time that you put everything else on hold and looked into the contracts that you had signed.
Any legal contract would definitely state the names of parties along with their social security numbers.
All you would have to do is go to the official SSA website and conduct a search on the social security numbers that were given to you.
If any of the information found on the websites does not relate to the ones that were given to you or if the social security numbers state that the people in question are dead or are fugitives in a particular state, then it is time that you put all further transactions on hold and get the authorities involved.

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