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Escape The Footprint - Effects Of Air Pollution On Environment

It cannot be denied that air pollution creates a big impact in our lives, most especially on our health and the environment. If the world we live in continues to worsen in the years to come, I cannot imagine anymore what our grandchildren will make of this world. There are a lot of negative effects of air pollution on environment. Let us discuss one by one what are they and how we may be able to address every effects of air pollution.

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Since air pollution is part of global warming, it is safe to say that it can cause flooding due to the melting of ice and warming of the Earth more than the normal. It can surely affect our ecosystem as well as the quality of life of our plants and animals.

Have you seen all the smogs in highly populated countries? It is an indication that there exists a not so desirable amount of air pollution. It can also contribute to the formation of acid rain which is not safe to people and other living things.  Not only does it affects the environment but also affects much the health of every individual on this planet.

One cannot help but be concerned with the increasing problem of air pollution. If we continue to be like this and destroy our environment, definitely everything will be destroyed even us.  The food that we eat, the water we drink, the air that we breathe and everything else around us will all be destroyed. If you want all of this to happen then do not do anything but if you want to save Mother Earth then do something to save the planet from destruction.

Effects of air pollution on environment can be distressing and detrimental then do something to make everything right. Do it now and do it fast.

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