Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids and Bowel Movements - The Link Between Hemorrhoids and Constipation

Hemorrhoids and constipation are two very different health problems but they often happen at the same time.
The reason for this is due to your bowel movements.
One problem, causes the other.
To be more specific, severe or chronic constipation can put a lot of pressure on the rectal region, causing the swelling of blood vessels, which are also known as hemorrhoids.
Common Causes of Constipation In order to better understand the link between hemorrhoids and constipation, you should first learn about the possible causes of these conditions.
Some of the most common reasons why people get constipated is the overuse of laxatives, taking certain medications, lack of fluids in the diet or insufficient exercise.
All these factors contribute to unhealthy bowel movements.
Why Constipation Leads to Hemorrhoids Constipation in itself can be a very uncomfortable experience but if it happens constantly, it can also cause other problems with your hemorrhoids and bowel movements.
Some hemorrhoids can be hardly noticeable and may go away on their own, but there are also some that are excruciatingly painful.
Hemorrhoids come in two varieties - internal and external.
The internal kind are located inside the anus but may be pushed out during a bowel movement.
When this happens, they are called prolapsed internal hemorrhoids.
They can also bleed occasionally.
External hemorrhoids on the other hand are located outside the opening of the anus.
They are generally not painful and can appear without apparent reason.
However, they can also be the source of discomfort and embarrassment.
Hemorrhoids and bowel movements and the constipation that arises, is treatable, although it is wiser to prevent them from happening in the first place.
It is also recommended that you see your doctor for a thorough examination, even though it may be embarrassing.
He will probably use special instruments such as a proctoscope and an anoscope in order to fully understand the severity of your condition.
Contrary to what many people are afraid of, this is not a painful process and it can be done quite quickly.
Natural Treatments The best solutions for hemorrhoids and constipation are natural remedies such as improving your diet and eating more foods that are high in fiber.
It would also be good to increase your fluid intake, especially water and fresh fruit juices.
Getting enough daily exercise is also important because this promotes healthy blood flow throughout your body.
You should also avoid staying in a sitting position for prolonged periods because this puts a lot of pressure on the rectal region.
But the most important way to get rid of hemorrhoids and constipation is to make sure that you maintain healthy bowel movements and seek treatment as soon as you notice the earliest symptoms.

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