Some Business Sectors Are Showing Optimism on Recruitment in the Spring of 2011
The regular quarterly survey of employers about their recruitment intentions has shown some signs that they will be hiring more staff up to June 2011, but only in some sectors and only in some areas of the country.
Growth forecasts are most optimistic in the Finance & Business Services sector and more modestly optimistic in the Mining, the Transport & Communications and the Utilities sectors, while the IT sector is forecasting some skills shortages emerging by the end of the year.
The most optimistic parts of the country are the East, South East and North East regions.
The REC (Recruitment and Employment Confederation)has reported signs of faster placement of permanent and temporary staff in the last month and some of its regional directors have also reported positive signs in job growth.
With a budget looming before the end of March, however, the REC has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer urging that the budget be made as business friendly as possible for these forecasts to become a reality.
It has highlighted possible options that would help businesses including a National Insurance holiday of at least one year for every additional young person employed by an SME, avoiding business tax rises, scrapping the planned NICs increase; going further and faster on the planned lowering of Corporation Tax and removing barriers in the benefits system to promote flexible work as a bridge into employment.
For those candidates looking for work the implications of all this suggest that they may have to be willing - and able - to move locations to areas where there is a greater chance of getting a job and being willing to work flexibly to get a foot in the door.
They will still need to show their professionalism as clearly as they can, and that includes everything from keeping the CV up to date, and tailoring it so that it is relevant for each job they apply for to considering adding to their skills and qualifications and making sure they look the part.
Also it means thoroughly researching any company that invites them for interview, preparing meticulously and arriving armed with intelligent responses ready for any awkward questions as well as with some questions of their own, since most interviews end with an invitation to ask questions.
Registering with an appropriate specialist recruitment agency can provide essential support and guidance as well as access to opportunities to apply for positions, whether as an executive PA in London or an IT specialist or if their expertise is in media and communications.
Recruitment agencies take the time and trouble to get to know their candidates and clients well to ensure they can create a good match between the two, since qualifications alone will not fulfill the needs of some employers, who are also looking for people with the right soft skills and character to fit into their particular organisation.
While the job availability situation may be improving a little for those candidates looking for work it remains true that the competition is likely to remain intense and those who have prepared thoroughly in a way that helps them to stand out are most likely to be invited for interview and have a better chance of gaining a place.
Copyright (c) 2011 Alison Withers
Growth forecasts are most optimistic in the Finance & Business Services sector and more modestly optimistic in the Mining, the Transport & Communications and the Utilities sectors, while the IT sector is forecasting some skills shortages emerging by the end of the year.
The most optimistic parts of the country are the East, South East and North East regions.
The REC (Recruitment and Employment Confederation)has reported signs of faster placement of permanent and temporary staff in the last month and some of its regional directors have also reported positive signs in job growth.
With a budget looming before the end of March, however, the REC has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer urging that the budget be made as business friendly as possible for these forecasts to become a reality.
It has highlighted possible options that would help businesses including a National Insurance holiday of at least one year for every additional young person employed by an SME, avoiding business tax rises, scrapping the planned NICs increase; going further and faster on the planned lowering of Corporation Tax and removing barriers in the benefits system to promote flexible work as a bridge into employment.
For those candidates looking for work the implications of all this suggest that they may have to be willing - and able - to move locations to areas where there is a greater chance of getting a job and being willing to work flexibly to get a foot in the door.
They will still need to show their professionalism as clearly as they can, and that includes everything from keeping the CV up to date, and tailoring it so that it is relevant for each job they apply for to considering adding to their skills and qualifications and making sure they look the part.
Also it means thoroughly researching any company that invites them for interview, preparing meticulously and arriving armed with intelligent responses ready for any awkward questions as well as with some questions of their own, since most interviews end with an invitation to ask questions.
Registering with an appropriate specialist recruitment agency can provide essential support and guidance as well as access to opportunities to apply for positions, whether as an executive PA in London or an IT specialist or if their expertise is in media and communications.
Recruitment agencies take the time and trouble to get to know their candidates and clients well to ensure they can create a good match between the two, since qualifications alone will not fulfill the needs of some employers, who are also looking for people with the right soft skills and character to fit into their particular organisation.
While the job availability situation may be improving a little for those candidates looking for work it remains true that the competition is likely to remain intense and those who have prepared thoroughly in a way that helps them to stand out are most likely to be invited for interview and have a better chance of gaining a place.
Copyright (c) 2011 Alison Withers