No Unanchored Positive Thinking Allowed!
Everything that genuinely wants to do something needs anchoring or a foundation.
From building a house to building a life.
No exceptions! Unanchored positive thinking is the problem of many people who try to use their minds to apply the law of attraction fully.
Unanchored positive thinking is worse than purely negative thinking.
Sure, we all want to win, but who is willing to train and apply properly? Think about this, five percent of people are successful out of one hundred percent in the world because of this fact.
Anchored positive thinking is the certain way, positive thinking anchored with productive action, follow through and smart work, not necessarily hard all the time, but hard and easy at key and different times that are appropriate.
With a good or great foundation and the properly consistent attitude you can get started.
Without those things, without matter to how good the intention is, you cannot get started or even make it to the "starting gate.
" In short, unanchored positive thinking puts you out to pasture before you even race.
For indeed, the beginning spirit, action and fulfillment of well used power always has a good strong foundation to it.
That is a given, always, without exception.
Ease only comes to those who genuinely work smart and hard, in that order, to earn it.
Mostly smart.
It is said that thought attracts that upon which it is directed.
Well, that is only half of the story: You must take the action of thought, and then do the legwork and use behind the thought to not only attract, but, realistically use that which you attract.
That means to get what you really want you must work by building on your foundation, and have a strong foundation to build upon without laziness, slacking or fear of effort or to put it in short hand terms: You get what you pay for.
Genuine benefit really does come through effort and payment.
What happens is what happens, but what you want is what you want and you must control it fully without laziness, slacking or fear.
We all make our consequences.
Thoughts, action and generation, we all make our consequences.
To generate though, is the key to the law of attraction, sure you can think and take action, but generation is the good foundation and the great building on that foundation all in one, totally.
This is the payment and the benefit all rolled up into one concept, generation of results, and good or great causes.
Cause and result is what counts, the actions in between can be considered the real foundation of it all.
What we do is as important as what we are, and why we are doing it.
How is somewhere in all of that; but my point is a powerful reason makes for powerful results when we look at it all fully and decide what we genuinely want.
From building a house to building a life.
No exceptions! Unanchored positive thinking is the problem of many people who try to use their minds to apply the law of attraction fully.
Unanchored positive thinking is worse than purely negative thinking.
Sure, we all want to win, but who is willing to train and apply properly? Think about this, five percent of people are successful out of one hundred percent in the world because of this fact.
Anchored positive thinking is the certain way, positive thinking anchored with productive action, follow through and smart work, not necessarily hard all the time, but hard and easy at key and different times that are appropriate.
With a good or great foundation and the properly consistent attitude you can get started.
Without those things, without matter to how good the intention is, you cannot get started or even make it to the "starting gate.
" In short, unanchored positive thinking puts you out to pasture before you even race.
For indeed, the beginning spirit, action and fulfillment of well used power always has a good strong foundation to it.
That is a given, always, without exception.
Ease only comes to those who genuinely work smart and hard, in that order, to earn it.
Mostly smart.
It is said that thought attracts that upon which it is directed.
Well, that is only half of the story: You must take the action of thought, and then do the legwork and use behind the thought to not only attract, but, realistically use that which you attract.
That means to get what you really want you must work by building on your foundation, and have a strong foundation to build upon without laziness, slacking or fear of effort or to put it in short hand terms: You get what you pay for.
Genuine benefit really does come through effort and payment.
What happens is what happens, but what you want is what you want and you must control it fully without laziness, slacking or fear.
We all make our consequences.
Thoughts, action and generation, we all make our consequences.
To generate though, is the key to the law of attraction, sure you can think and take action, but generation is the good foundation and the great building on that foundation all in one, totally.
This is the payment and the benefit all rolled up into one concept, generation of results, and good or great causes.
Cause and result is what counts, the actions in between can be considered the real foundation of it all.
What we do is as important as what we are, and why we are doing it.
How is somewhere in all of that; but my point is a powerful reason makes for powerful results when we look at it all fully and decide what we genuinely want.