Cars & Vehicles Auto Insurance & Registration

Auto Insurance for Injury

    Auto Insurance Injury Coverage

    • Your automobile insurance policy outlines several coverage types. Each type has an established limit that will be paid towards a loss. In addition to property damage liability, collision and comprehensive, your auto policy includes medical coverage. This coverage type specifically covers injuries and other necessary costs that are the direct result of an auto accident. The coverage types usually stated in an auto policy include: Bodily Injury liability (BI), Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or medical payments, and uninsured and under-insured motorist.

    Bodily Injury Liability

    • If another party files a lawsuit for damages and you are held responsible, the BI coverage in your auto policy protects you from paying out of pocket for income loss, medical treatment, death, and pain and suffering. You or others listed on your policy are not covered under bodily injury protection. The limits of liability are applied by states that follow a customary insurance structure.

    Personal Injury Protection

    • Personal injury coverage, or medical payments, extends financial protection to treat injuries to the driver and passengers in your covered vehicle. In addition, lost wages, medical payments and funeral expenses may also be covered. If your state follows the no-fault insurance structure, PIP covers a determined amount for payment, no matter who caused the accident. An injured person may file suit only if the amount of the policy limit has been surpassed.

    Uninsured and Under-insured Motorist

    • Uninsured and under-insured coverage provides protection for expenses associated with injuries you and your passengers sustain from a hit-and-run, or by a driver that is uninsured or under-insured. Protection will also apply if you are injured as a pedestrian.

    Adequate Coverage

    • Insurance losses cannot be predicted. Minor or no injuries in an auto accident may not cause significant concern on an active policy. But serious accidents causing multiple injuries or death frequently exceed the limits of liability on policies with the lowest required coverage. While minimum requirements vary by state, it is recommended to carry more than enough coverage to pay for injuries and any necessary expenses.

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