Health & Medical Self-Improvement

4 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Life

As we roll into the summer, it's a good time to reflect on your life's choices.
Are you living the life you want? Do you feel stressed or out of balance? Since the mind, body and spirit are all interconnected; stress, poor health and negative energy all impact areas of your life.
Tiffany Lymon, CEO of Pearls of Pursuit Coaching and Expert Advisor for National Association Women on the Rise, says,"Often times women, are dealing with competing internal and external pressure from the demand of balancing work, life, family and community, not to mention themselves - and these pressures can leave a woman feeling stretched, unappreciated and unfulfilled.
Does this describe you? If so, here are 4 ways to rejuvenate your life.
"We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden.
" Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe
Rejuvenate Your Mind By living your best life, reduce or eliminate the amount of stress you have present in your life.
Meditation is an excellent healing tool that rejuvenates your mind; increase your inner strength and well-being; and good for your body as well.
Rejuvenate Your Body Your body is sacred and should be treated as such! It is what keeps us alive.
It is important to treat your body right.
Two important ways to care for your body:
  • Exercise: In essence, having an exercise regimen improves your quality of life.
    It's a great way to control your weight; helps to prevent diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure; and strengthen and tone muscles which allow us to look and feel better.
    Most fitness experts suggest incorporating a daily exercise regimen into our lives.
  • Skin Care: Let's face it, as we age, so will the appearance of our skin.
    This is not a reason not to have great looking skin.
    With so many anti-aging products on the market, it's overwhelming to know which ones have safe ingredients that won't harm your skin.
    There are simple and natural ways to have healthy and glowing skin at any age.
    Here are 4 natural tips:
    1. Manage stress.
      Having stress in your life is inevitable.
      The key is identifying the source of stress and finding ways to take control of how it affects your life.
      By managing stress allow you to take charge and live a more balanced life.
    2. Eat healthy foods.
      Having a balanced and healthy diet and avoiding junk foods is an important factor in maintaining good health.
    3. Drink plenty of water daily.
      It is important to drink 8 glasses of water daily to slow down the aging process.
      By committing to this will keep your body fully hydrated and prevent dryness of skin.
    4. Avoid the sun.
      This is very harmful to your skin.
      If you must be in the sun, protect your skin from over exposure by using sunscreen products.
Rejuvenate Your Spirit Do you feel stuck or out of balance in your life? Do you long to deepen your spirituality? You are not alone.
Everyone goes through trials and tribulations in life, but the question is how long does it take to get through them? In spite of all that might be going on, it is important to be in tune with your inner spirit.
Here are 3 ways to release and relax:
  • Take care of you.
    Easy said, but not so easily done.
    Most of us spend a lot of time caring and nurturing others.
    By putting your needs first, will allow you to better care for others.
  • Let go.
    Yes, I said it! Let go of the need to 'control' everything in your life.
    By letting go of anxiety, worry, stress or fear that consumes you, will allow your inner spirit to flow through.
    You will begin to experience much more peace and happiness!
  • Live in the moment.
    By living in the now allows you to experience life directly! Look around you; enjoy the beauty of your surroundings; take a deep breath and exhale; and stop worrying about what if, instead, enjoy what is.
Rejuvenate Your Business Now is a good time to think about your accomplishments.
Is there room for improvement? Here are 3 ideas to help you refuel.
  • Reflect.
    This is a perfect time to reflect on the successes and failures of your professional and personal life.
    Have you considered what changes you would like to implement this year? As women entrepreneurs, it is important to look for ways to improve work-life balance.
    Take some time to reflect on your business's progress and make plans on how you want your business to grow.
  • Reorganize.
    What kind of clutter have you accumulated that is hindering you from functioning at your optimal best? Write down all the things that are cluttering your mind, distorting your life's vision.
    Take each of the things on your list and ask yourself the following questions:
    1. Why am I holding on to this clutter?
    2. What purpose does it serve?
    3. How do I rid myself of it?
Clutter can be distracting while adding to the chaos in our lives.
Take time to reorganize your mind by simply 'letting go' and re-prioritizing the way you do things.
  • Refine.
    Have you considered refining your target market to increase your bottom line? We all know that the success of your business depends on making sales.
    To re-identify your target client, ask yourself the following questions:
    1. Do you know who your customers will be?
    2. Do you understand their needs and desires?
    3. Do you know where they live?
    4. Will you be offering the kind of products or services that they will buy?
    5. Will your prices be competitive in quality and value?
    6. Do you understand how your business compares with your competitors?
    7. Will your business be conveniently located for the people you plan to serve?
By refining your target market, you are ensuring the success of your business! In conclusion, by evaluating and making adjustments to every aspect of your life; mind, body spirit and business, you will be living at your optimal level.

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