Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Past Doesn"t Equal the Future!

I've heard a lot of people that said that they can't succeed because they were born in x country, that their family wasn't rich, that they don't have a higher education, that they are poor, that...
and the list goes on.
Instead of complaining about the past and present, they should list their assets, and I don't mean financial assets.
If you have determination and perseverance, then these alone could be enough for you to achieve whatever you want.
Yes I know you've heard it a thousand times: "Don't do tomorrow what you can do today!".
Stop wasting valuable time.
Use your momentum now, if you really want to achieve success don't wait for tomorrow, because it will be a permanent tomorrow, DO IT NOW! I spent a lot of my time doing stuff that was urgent but not important, such as everyday activities you know you need to do and of course in the not urgent, not important such as watching a lot of tv or playing video games.
Were was my life heading to? Nowhere! Even though I always dreamed to be famous, to help the world, have my own business, I wasn't doing anything practically in that manner so i was following somebody else plans for me because if you don't have your own plans, life will make you follow other people plans! Eventually the need for pleasure of achieving and the pain lead me to spend a lot of time in the not urgent but very important for me zone.
I don't have time to get bored anymore, if you find yourself that you are bored, STOP! you either don't have something interesting to do so start learning or take some action in your life or do something funny to have a better mood;) either you are simply tired, so get some sleep to recharge your powers! The biggest reason people don't do this is because they don't see immediate results, their is no quick fix, but believe me, the results will be simply great and most rewarding! Just believe and do it! The majority of the self made VIP's today were in a worst situation than you were, just to name a few: Anthony Robbins, Madonna, Obama...
but because they dreamed of a better life and hated the one they had, they didn't stop until they succeeded.
As a contrast look at the kids whose parents are very rich, how many of them have a bright future judging by the way they act now? Very few, they were used to have it all, so they take all for granted! So stop complaining, and start working for a better future for yourself and for the people you love!

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