Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

3 Must-Know Facts About Canadian Immigration

There are some misconceptions when it comes to immigrating to Canada, and although some may try to make you believe that the following facts are not true have been misinformed.
These facts need to be known by anyone who is interested in immigrating to Canada.
Everyone Entering Canada will be Screened for Security Risks
Whenever someone enters the country, they must be screened to make sure they are not a security risk.
The reason for this is to ensure the safety of everyone in Canada.
In order to make sure that this is done properly, Immigration Canada works in conjunction with the Canada Border Service Agency, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Security Intelligence Service.
There are even officers who are working with airlines in order to make sure proper security measures are taken when someone is entering Canada and in the past five years more than 30,000 people have been turned around for security reasons.
The things that are looked at are: · Criminal record · Whether or not the person is a risk to Canadian security · Is not going to be a public health risk · Has never done anything against human or international rights · Has a passport · Has never disobeyed the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 2.
Canada and the United States Work Together to Help Refugees
There is an agreement between Canada and the United States that relays that refugees must ask for protection from the first country they enter.
For example if someone was to seek refugee protection from South America, they will have to do it through the United States.
This is in place in order to have a better control over refugee protection.
This way, both countries can work together to ensure that there is no abuse of the system taking place.
Undocumented Workers Are Illegal Immigrants
There is a certain process that must be followed in order to immigrate to Canada; those who do not follow this process and are still living in Canada are here illegally.
Those who are caught working or living in Canada illegally will be asked to leave, and if they do not leave, they may be deported.
However, once they return to their country they are allowed to apply in order to legally immigrate to Canada.
These laws have been implemented for the safety of Canadians and to ensure that everyone who wants to become a Canadian Immigrant is treated fairly

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