Law & Legal & Attorney Intellectual property Law

The Good Side of a Living Trust

A trust is a type of legal arrangement which one person known as the trustee, holds authority and legal title to the properties for another person known as the beneficiary. Anyone can be a trustee of his own living trust to keep control over his properties under the trust. A Living Trust known as inter vivus trust is a kind of trust that anyone can create while they are alive to protect the properties from probate and creditor.

Basically, there are two types of trusts, revocable and irrevocable. The revocation of the trust usually speaks for the person who has created it. The person who is the creator has the only authority to revoke the contents of the trust as he pleases anytime.

Many believed that a Living Trust has oversold a lot of individuals when it comes to probate. However, this document still has real benefits to many people, families, and including yourself for several good reasons.

First of all, one of the major benefits of a living trust is the avoidance of probate. A probate, by the way, is what we call to the legal process wherein the court reads, analyzes, and applies the contents of a will. Meaning, a judge will be accept and read the will and authorize your appointed representative to carry out the wishes and terms of the decedent's will. However, just like any court proceedings, probate can be quite expensive and prolonged. The Living Trust on the other hand, can continue to exist after your death which allows you to transfer your properties that remains to the trust to your beneficiaries with the help of your appointed trustee. Properties that were only included in your trust will be the only properties that can avoid probate. All others that have been included in the will are those that will undergo the probate process. Therefore, through the Living Trust, you can manage to leave a bigger amount of money to your family.

Second, a Living Trust can also be very helpful should in case you become terminally ill that resulted to your incapacitation. The properties under the trust will be passed on and will be under the watchful eye and care of your trustee. The trustee on the other hand, will be responsible for managing the properties owned by the trust. Through a living trust, your properties are safe and you will be taken care of properly.

The Estate Planner Austin can be your partner in creating a well-defined and comprehensive Living Trust including all other documents needed for estate planning. A licensed attorney shall be available for you to help you come up with a good estate plan anytime you are ready for it. The Estate Planner Austin will make sure that your properties will be protected and that all your wishes will be honored and granted the best way possible.

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