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Sing a love song to the king

"My heart is bursting its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I poured it out in a poem to the King, shaping the river into words." The Message Psalm 45:1
 Let's have a look at Psalm 45 and find some gems in there about the true worship of God. In these days there are many ways that people try and rid themselves of frustration. Maybe it's by hitting a boxing bag, their wife, plenty of sex, or vigorous sport. Some can't even start a day without having a long run first, but we read here in Psalm 45 that David found a better way to relieve tension and frustration and that was by truly worshipping God. This kind of worship isn't just singing a Christian Song either, it's by singing a song ‘in the Spirit', a song of love to God. I believe that there is no better way to relieve tension in our life than by worship Him in love.

 The word for worship in the bible can also mean ‘to kiss' in Hebrew. From this we see that worship is really intimacy with God and when you sing a love song to God it helps to fulfil this intimacy.

 One translation of the Song of Songs says. "Your words are kisses and your kisses are words."  We see that one way that this intimacy can be fulfilled is by singing a song of love ‘in the Spirit' to God, for each word is literally a kiss. We you sing like this you can sing a song that had never been sung before to the King of Kings. Look at John 7:38. Psalm 33:3. Psalm 40:3.

 Singing in the Spirit is spoken of in 1 Corinthians 14:14.

 John 4:23 tells us that God is looking for worshippers in the Spirit. He is looking right now in your neighbourhood for worshippers; does He find you worshipping Him? He may find you praying, giving, witnessing or loving people, but does He find you worshipping Him?

 The climax of worship is when your heart bursts its banks and spills out in a love song to the King. Many people today sing songs about their lovers, country, pets and even their problems. But this song in Psalm 45 is a love song to the King – Christ, the Fairest of all (v2). Another translation of v2 says. "You far surpass all mankind for beauty." Indeed He is truly worthy of a song as there is no one as beautiful as Christ, even the highest Arch Angel stands in awe of Him.

 The Song of Songs in the New English version says of verse 1. "I will sing a love song to my King that he might smother me with kisses." You can see that these are words of love towards the Bride of Christ and not just towards the King of Kings. For this to become a reality, Christ needs to become your ‘all in all'. We need to love Him more than anything else in the entire world. Loving Him is the true meaning of life.

 Jesus said to Peter in John 21:15. "Do you love me?" This is the question the Lord is always asking us. If we want to come to the place where our heart bursts its banks in worship, then we need to come to this place where we are free from all care. This doesn't mean that we don't have any problems anymore but is does mean that we don't let them get on top of us, for we love God more than our problems.

 There is always something to worry about in life, and in these last days problems are increasing all the time.

 Jesus says in John 21:15: "Do you love me more than…. Your cares and worries?"

We need to surrender all of our desires and cares to God; our desire for a perfect husband for instance, or perfect children or even a perfect world. These cares distract us from giving God our full attention. We need to hand all these unrealistic desires over to God. We need to surrender them all to God and love Him regardless of how bad our situation or world is. We need to learn to live with some unresolved issues in our lives. "Lord this isn't getting sorted out, but I will love you anyway." Job said in the midst of His trials that even though God slew him, yet would he trust Him.

 Verse 10."Forsake your people, your land, everything, and worship Him."

Jesus wants us to fall in love with Him. Fall in love with His beauty, His glorious attributes, and all His ways. May our love for Him surpass our love for people, our country and our possessions?

 It's also very important to remember that love is meant to be 2-way traffic, for love is meant to be giving and receiving from both parties. This is where many Christians fall flat in their love to God. They don't mind giving words of love to God but when it comes to receiving words of love back they reject them. "I'm not worthy".

When you look closely at the Song of Solomon you see that there are just as many verses where the Bride is singing of the King, as there is the King singing of the Bride.

This area of receiving God's love is ignored by so many Christians and it's to their own detriment. You will never be able to love God completely until you realise how much He loves you and receive that love from Him as well. How do you like it when a person rejects your praise? Jesus is telling us how much He loves us all the time but we keep saying we are ‘worms', no good or useless. The bible says that He's rejoicing over us with singing, as it says in Zephaniah 3:17.

 Do you see God rejoicing over you, or do you see Him standing over you with a big stick, telling you off all the time?

 Verse 11. "He greatly desires your beauty." Another translation says. "He greatly desires your love." How do you see yourself in God's eyes?" Have you ever forgiven yourself for some of the things you did in the past? Do you hate your body? Do you hate your life? Remember that you are now a new creature in Christ, perfect in His eyes. You're accepted in the beloved, and your confessed sin is under the blood. Even your mistakes and sins can be worked out by God for good. You need to see yourself as God sees you for this circle of love to be complete.

 The Bible says time and time again that in Christ we are accepted by God.

 Ephesians. 1:6 (KJV) "To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved."

 Receive these words of love from the King and then you will be able to sing Him a new song with all your heart, with your banks overflowing in beauty and goodness. Not only will you please the heart of God by doing this but you'll rid yourself of a lot of frustration and tension.


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