How to Establish a Company Name
- 1). Find out if the business name that you want to use is already taken in your state. Most states have a fictitious name database available to search to see if a business name is already in use.
- 2). Obtain a business name registration form from your county or Secretary of State office. Most all states have a website setup where you can download the forms online.
- 3). Complete the form and send it into the county or state with the appropriate registration fee. Most fees for a name registration range between $10 and $50.
- 1). Go to the Unites States Patent and Trademark Office and do a search to see if your business name is already trademarked or is pending (see Resources).
- 2). File the required forms online to submit a trademark application for your business name if it is not already trademarked (see Resources).
- 3). Follow all of the instructions on the page to successfully complete the application. You will also be required to send in an application fee of $275.